
Libya confirmed Africàs top oil producer

TRIPOLI (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Libya has become Africàs top oil producer according to a recent report by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Libya has seen the most significant increase in oil production among African countries, moving ahead of Nigeria.
Libyàs oil output reached 1.167 million barrels per day in February, an increase from 1.023 million barrels per day in January, marking a rise of 144,000 barrels per day.
This growth has placed Libya at the forefront of African oil production, highlighting the nation’s recovery and potential in the energy sector following years of conflict. Libyàs significant increase in oil production signals l the success of its efforts to revitalize its oil industry amidst post-conflict challenges. With improved security and governance, along with international support, Libyàs oil sector is gradually regaining strength, impacting global oil markets and emphasizing the strategic role of African nations in global energy supplies.
Nigeriàs production in February was reported at 1.476 million barrels per day, up from 1.429 million barrels per day in January, with an increase of 47,000 barrels per day. Nigeriàs slower production growth reflects ongoing challenges such as infrastructure and regulatory issues.
OPEC’s overall production for February was recorded at 26.571 million barrels per day, an increase from 26.368 million barrels per day in January.
Other contributors to this growth include Algeria, with a slight rise in output, and Saudi Arabia, showing a modest increase in its production levels.
-photo Agenzia Fotogramma-

Source: medNews

Egypt, Ricci (Sace) “10 billion euros operations for Made in Italy”

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “Over the years SACE has constantly supported Italian companies involved in exports and investments in Egypt, where we have been present since 2019”. Alessandra Ricci, CEO of SACE, made this announcement during the official inauguration of the new Sistema offices in Cairo.

“In the last five years we have facilitated strategically important infrastructure projects for the country’s development, investments and exports for around 10 billion euros, enabling investments for a further 20 billion euros to support the Made in Italy supply chain, and this confirms the enormous interest that Italian companies in the Egyptian market and our commitment alongside them,” said Ricci.

She added: “our office in Cairo makes Italy the only country in Europe to be able to count on the presence of an Export Credit Agency in this country which for us represents an access bridge to Africa. We are ready to continue in this direction with the Mattei Plan, alongside other means such as Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Simest and ICE”.

– Photo Sace press office –


Source: medNews

Gaza, Malta to assist in the opening of a maritime humanitarian corridor

VALLETTA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese government is currently in talks with a coalition of nations in the setting up of a maritime corridor through which humanitarian aid, specifically food, will reach the Palestinian population in Gaza through land.
The joint mission to open a maritime corridor involves the European Commission, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In a joint statement from the group nations and regional bodies, this initiative was described as “integral” to enabling the joint effort to launch a maritime corridor. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that this joint effort forms part of a US strategy aimed to “flood the zone” with humanitarian assistance. Blinken held a video conference with officials from Cyprus, Britain, the UAE, Qatar, the European Union and the United Nations to discuss getting the new route up and running. A spokesman for the Maltese Foreign Office said: “we are in touch with various countries, including the US, working towards the establishment of a maritime humanitarian corridor to understand how Malta can better contribute to such initiatives”. The spokesperson added: “Malta welcomes and will continue to contribute to all initiatives that aim to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Gaza by ensuring that food and health supplies arrive uninterrupted, rapidly, and peacefully as much as possible”.
The initiative builds on the model of the Amalthea Initiative, which is a Cyprus-led mechanism for the secure shipping of aid from Cyprus to Gaza via sea.
-photo Agenzia Fotogramma-

Source: medNews

Gravina “Verbal attack on Immobile and his family is shameful”

VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “The verbal attack on Ciro Immobile and his family is shameful”. This was stated by the President of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina, today at the elective assembly of the Malta Football Federation as vice president of UEFA, expressing his solidarity with the Lazio captain, who was attacked while he was with his wife and their kid Mattia in front of his son’s school. “The hostile climate that has been created around the Lazio striker is shameful and goes beyond any tolerable boundary of civility”, underlined Gravina. He said: “I have known Ciro for several years, he is an extraordinary footballer, extremely sensitive, and an exemplary professional, he deserves all my solidarity. I hope that we can immediately go back to speak only about sport”.
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Source: medNews

Panetta “Strengthening the partnership with Africa is strategic”

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “For Italy, strengthening the partnership with Africa can have strategic value. The potential expansion of the African continent is evident, as it is an economic delay.” The governor of the Bank of Italy, Fabio Panetta, said this in his speech at the 15th edition of the annual Bank of Italy – Maeci Conference on ‘Economic and political fragmentation: implications on multilateralism and regional partnerships’.

“To the abundance of natural resources, including essential raw materials for the production of renewable energy, there is a young and growing population,” remarked Panetta, adding, “in the absence of far-sighted cooperation and assistance policies, it would be difficult to stem the migratory pressure of African populations towards areas capable of offering better living conditions. While on the one hand this would increase the supply of labour in countries afflicted by a clear trend towards ageing, on the other hand an uncontrolled migratory influx would pose complex problems of social and work integration. The G7 program under the Italian presidency assigns a central role to the issues of development, economic and political relations with Africa, in continuity with initiatives already underway at international level, such as the so-called Partnership for Rise (Resilient and Inclusive Supply-chain Enhancement),” underlined Panetta.

The Mattei Plan put forward by the Italian Government also aims to promote cooperation initiatives with African countries, especially with regards to the construction of infrastructural works, in which Italian companies boast consolidated experience in the continent”.

– Photo Bank of Italy –


Source: medNews

Malta, heir of Italian shipyard worker to receive €209,000

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Palumbo Shipyard was ordered to compensate the mother of a 27-year-old Italian man who died when he was hit on the head by a dislodged roller from a machine used to release a mooring rope in 2016. A Maltese civil court found Palumbo Shipyard responsible for the fatality and that it did not take the necessary precautions that would have prevented the death. It was ordered to pay €209,000 in compensation to Maria Matruscelli, mother of Aniello Fariello, originally from Marina di Pisciotta, who lost his life on January 18, 2016, while he was working on a ship docked at the Palumbo Shipyard in Paola. He was certified dead on the site. The shipyard worker had only been employed one month before the fatal accident. Fariello, an engineer, was performing his duties on board the vessel MV Galaxy, registered in Limassol in Cyprus. MV Galaxy was in such a bad condition that it had its certification revoked, had to be towed to Malta from Greece, and was in Malta for a total refurbishment. While the vessel was being moored, a reel through which one of the ropes was passed gave way and hit Fariello in the head with fatal consequences. The vessel was owned by Moby S.p.A and its captain was Antonio Scotto Ciccariello. Both were also sued by the mother, but the court found that they were not to blame for the incident that cost Fariello his life.(ITALPRESS).

Foto: Palumbo Shipyard Malta

Source: medNews

Libya, three more pushbacks, more migrants reach Greece

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Greek officials confirmed that 91 migrants arrived on Gavdos island, south of Crete, on a vessel from Libya, highlighting the recent increase in migrant arrivals to the region. The migrants were found on a beach on Gavdos island and are being relocated to Crete for further assistance. The migrants’ nationalities remain undisclosed. It is believed that the migrants embarked on their journey from Libya’s eastern coast, covering a distance of approximately 170 nautical miles to reach Gavdos. Gavdos has seen a rise in migrant arrivals recently, with over 600 individuals reaching the area or being rescued at sea in the last month alone. The Greek Coast Guard reported that these migrants often travel from Tobruk, Libya, across the Mediterranean Sea, with some paying up to $5,000 to smuggling groups for the voyage. Meanwhile, the German NGO SeaWatch stated that its Seabird aircraft observed the Libyan coastguard intercepting another three boats with migrants and “illegally abducting them” in another pushback to Libya. The NGO declared that “it will stand up against the normalization of injustice!” (ITALPRESS).

Foto: ufficio stampa Sea Watch

Source: medNews

EU, Parliament asks Commission for clarifications on funds for Tunisia

STRASBOURG (FRANCE) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The European Parliament has approved a resolution asking the European Commission to clarify the circumstances linked to the disbursement of funds to Tunisia. In the non-binding resolution approved by MEPs with 243 votes in favour, 41 abstentions and 167 against, the European Parliament invites the Commission to clarify why it chose to provide 150 million euros in aid as a special measure for Tunisia in a single tranche.

According to the MEPs, a gradual disbursement based on concrete goals or objectives achieved would have offered the possibility of suspending further disbursements in the event of a clear erosion of fundamental values.

The resolution calls on the Commission to clarify how it believes Tunisia meets the criteria on fundamental values, as stated in its action document, which refers to “satisfactory progress” justifying the provision of budget support.

MEPs highlight the deterioration of the rule of law in Tunisia since July 2021, as stated in an EP resolution of 16 March 2023, regarding recent attacks on freedom of expression, and express doubts on the respect of principles relating to democracy, human rights and the rule of law in the country.

In light of the Tunisian President Kais Saied’s refusal in October 2023 to accept €60 million in budget support from the EU, the European Parliament asked the Commission to clarify why it believes the Tunisian authorities are willing to accept the support provided for by this special measure. The European Parliament also contested the Commission’s decision to use an emergency procedure for the disbursement, as decided on 21 December 2023, given that the announcement of the support of 150 million euros had already been made on 11 June 2023 , leaving sufficient time to resort to the normal procedure.

MEPs believe that this decision demonstrates a failure to respect parliamentary scrutiny, and regret that the Commission “did not proactively make this financing agreement available to Parliament”.

Finally, MEPs want guarantees that Parliament will be able to visit the sites of EU-funded projects in Tunisia to exercise its supervision and control rights.

– Photo: Agenzia Fotogramma –


Source: medNews


LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The OceanViking rescue team operated by the NGO SOS Mediterranee evacuated 25 migrants from a drifting rubber boat spotted via binoculars in the Libyan search and rescue area. A medical mass casualty plan had to be initiated, to care for the survivors found in extreme vulnerable physical and mental health.
A medical evacuation took place in cooperation with the Italian Coast Guards. Two unconscious people were flown to Sicily by helicopter.
– credit photo SOS Mediterranee –

Source: medNews

Humanitarian aid via land to Gaza, Balla appeals for ceasefire

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – For the first time in five months, since the beginning of the war in Gaza, 40,000 tons of humanitarian aid including food, but also medical items have arrived “to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian civilian population, which is experiencing a catastrophic situation. No country had managed to get humanitarian aid directly by land! Morocco did it.”

This was said by the Moroccan ambassador to Italy, Youssef Balla, when was interviewed by Claudio Brachino for the Italpress agency.

“Morocco is known for its humanitarian and political initiatives, as an actor of peace and security in the region” and has succeeded “thanks to the leadership of His Majesty Muhammad VI, who enjoys great international prestige” and thanks to the “communication channels with the whole world. Now the international community must make an effort like that of Morocco” whose example “we hope can be followed by other countries”.

The Moroccan ambassador then renewed “an appeal for a lasting ceasefire, to allow the smooth and permanent arrival of humanitarian aid” and condemned the fact that “civilians are targets of military attacks. We need to establish a political perspective, on the basis of international legality, which provides for the principle of two states, one next to the other”, concluded Balla.

– Photo Italpress –


Source: medNews

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