
Malta and Libya committed towards further economic development

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – More than 50 Libyan businessmen and 100 Maltese companies specialized in the field of food industries, building materials, health, insurance, banking and shipping participated in the Libyan-Maltese Trade and Export Forum held in Malta. Libyàs participation and delegation was headed by the Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohamed Hwej, and Minister of Marine Wealth, Adel Sultan.
Maltese Foreign Minister Ian Borg said, “peace and security in the region require a common and equitable Mediterranean prosperity,” adding, “there is no doubt that a strong and successful Libya is an indispensable part of a strong and successful Mediterranean.” Borg affirmed Maltàs determination to support Libya in its efforts towards economic growth and diversification. “Libya remains Maltàs largest export partner in the region and a key import partner, even though much work remains to be done in restoring these figures to their previous levels,” Minister Borg said. He highlighted the success of several Maltese businesses that have established deep commercial relationships between the two countries throughout the years and continue to register positive results today.
“I welcome Minister Al-Hweij’s recent announcement of work to reduce Libyàs dependence on oil sector exports, and to increase the gross value-added contribution of sectors like agriculture, industry, and tourism. This journey reminds us of our own ongoing efforts to adapt to the international economic context, and it is a journey which we hope that Malta and Libya will take together.”
Minister Borg and Minister for the Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects Silvio Schembri also held bilateral talks with Minister Al-Hweij, to discuss the latest economic and political developments in Libya and explore avenues for the consolidation of trade and commercial relations between the two countries.
Minister Silvio Schembri said that relations between the two countries continued to strengthen while highlighting the goal to enhance the commercial sector and turn challenges into success stories. “We want to see that a Maltese business has the confidence to invest in Libya, just as it invests in our country,” concluded Minister Schembri.
The Libyan Minister of Economy and Trade, Hwej stressed the importance of investment, trade and export between the two countries for the purpose of achieving economic development and opening cooperation horizons in trade. In this context, the Minister called for work to increase the volume of trade exchange and find appropriate solutions to the problems facing business owners.
– Photo Credit Department of Information Malta –

Source: medNews

Tunisia and Italy stress on more efforts to tackle the increase of illegal immigration

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Tunisia and Italy stressed the need to intensify efforts to deal with the increase of illegal immigration attempts towards European coasts, Italy in particular. This issue was discussed during a meeting between the Tunisian Parliamentary Speaker Ibrahim Bouderbala and the Italian Ambassador to Tunisia Alessandro Prunas in the Tunisian capital Tunis. “The illegal immigration issue requires boosting joint action at the bilateral and multilateral level in order to strengthen peace and security in the Mediterranean,” said Bouderbala. He also highlighted the role of parliaments in strengthening ties of friendship and cooperation, notably through the exchange of visits by parliamentarians. The Italian ambassador highlighted the fruitful cooperation and the conclusion of agreements in several areas including education, culture, higher education and vocational training. Prunas affirmed Italy’s commitment to providing support for Tunisia and to defending its position both within the region and at the level of the European Union. During his meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Tunis on April 17, Tunisian President Kais Saied reiterated his country’s refusal to be a destination or transit point for illegal immigrants, calling for joint efforts to tackle the issue. Thousands of sub-Saharan migrants are living in makeshift tents in Tunisian olive groves for months, while keeping their hopes alive of reaching Europe.
According to Tunisian humanitarian NGOs, around 20,000 are in isolated areas near the towns of El Amra and Jebeniana, some 30 and 40 kilometres north of the port city of Sfax as they awaited their chance to make the perilous crossing towards Italy. Sfax is one of Tunisia’s main departure points for irregular migration to Europe by boat, and was once a hub for sub-Saharan migrants. Tens of thousands embarked from Sfax in 2023 because of its proximity to Italy, the closest European country.(ITALPRESS).

Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

47 migrants rescued, will disembark at the port of Catania

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – A group of migrants will disembark at the port of Catania. This was stated by the German NGO Sea Watch after its crew on board the vessel Sea-Watch 5 rescued 47 migrants from an unstable dinghy.
The NGO confirmed that all migrants are now safely on board and they are heading towards the port of Catania.
Meanwhile, the Libyan authorities have thwarted an illegal immigration attempt in the city of Zuwara. The Western Region Directorate Support Force took action against human traffickers who were organizing a group of migrants of different African nationalities to board a boat that would take them to Europe. They were handed to the Libyan Anti-Illegal Immigration Agency.
This week, the Tunisiàs Coast Guard recovered 19 bodies near the country’s coastline known as a primary point of departure for boats taking off for Italy. Separately, five smugglers were arrested on human trafficking charges, authorities said. Tunisia has already intercepted about 21,000 migrants trying to cross the sea to Italy this year.
– foto: Sea Watch –

Source: medNews

Libya, Italian delegation evaluates preparations for flights between Misurata and Italian airports

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – A delegation from the Italian Civil Aviation Authority visited Misrata International Airport to evaluate the security and operational procedures adopted at the airport and the extent of their compliance with international operating standards. This visit, which lasted for two days, came as part of the preparations for the start of operating flights between Misrata Airport and Italian airports, according to a statement by the Airports Authority on its Facebook page on Wednesday. A meeting was held during the visit between the Italian delegation and the Director General of the Airport, in the presence of his assistant and the Head of the Airport Security Department in the Standards Conformity Department at the Airports Authority and the Aviation Security and Facilities Office at the Civil Aviation Authority, in addition to the Airport Security Director. The delegation resumed evaluation work at the airport, and reviewed the various equipment available there as well as the extent of their compliance with the required quality standards. They inspected all airport facilities, with the aim of verifying the extent to which these procedures comply with civil aviation security standards. All these efforts are part of the Airports Authority’s plans to raise the level of services provided at airports, to ensure compliance with international standards and enhance the safety and security of flights. (ITALPRESS).

Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

Concerning situation on the quality of life for the Maltese families

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) survey for 2023 revealed a concerning situation for the Maltese households. The survey indicates that 6.7% do not afford regular social gatherings with friends or family for a drink or meal, and 11.1% unable to participate in leisure activities regularly. 30% of respondents declared their inability to afford a one-week annual holiday away from home. Despite Malta has registered one of Europès biggest economic growth, some 16% of the Maltese residents declared that their household would not be able to settle an unexpected financial expense of €770 and over. The latest survey revealed that the material and social deprivation rate stood at 9.2% while the severe material and social deprivation rate stood at 4.1%.
The EU-SILC survey aims to collect comparable data on income, health and disability, employment, and material deprivation. It assesses households’ perceived capacity to afford a set of 13 standard items, providing insights into material and social deprivation indicators.
Additionally, 6.8% struggled to keep their homes adequately warm in winter, and 5.7% faced arrears on mortgage or rent payments, utility bills, or other loan payments.
Furthermore, personal indicators highlighted that less than 5.7% of the surveyed population could not afford basic needs such as replacing worn-out clothes with new ones or owning two pairs of properly-fitting shoes. Notably, 5.6% of children and 3.7% of adults aged 18-64 were living in severely materially and socially deprived households.
Moreover, households reported problems with their main dwellings, with pollution and noise being the most frequently cited issues. Among these households, 45.6% reported at least one problem, indicating a rise compared to the previous year.

– photo: Agenzia Fotogramma –

Source: medNews

Italy and Egypt committed for the development of space sector in Africa

CAIRO (EGYPT) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Cairo between the Italian Space Agency (ASI) represented by President Teodoro Valente and the Egyptian Space Agency (EgSA), represented by CEO Sherif Mohamed Sedky, in the presence of the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, who is also responsabile for aerospace policies Adolfo Ursi.

The MoU has as its main objective the strengthening of collaboration in the space sector between Italy and Egypt in order to encourage long-term investments and partnerships. The collaboration between ASI and EgSA will, in fact, facilitate investments in the space sector also by the industries involved in this sector, which together with the space agencies, could develop projects and initiatives of common interest at a Mediterranean level, in Africa and internationally.

“Italy can be a protagonist in supporting the African continent in the space sector, considered a priority in the context of the initiatives envisaged by the Mattei Plan”, declared the Minister of Business and Made in Italy with responsibility for aerospace policies Adolfo Urso. “The agreement signed today is strategic for the development of innovative technologies that will spread through more industrial sectors. Africa, the continent of the future, is central to the development of the space sector, as demonstrated by our base in Malindi which could potentially be used by African countries, which finally also want to compete in one of the most important sectors of the future society”.

“The agreement signed today,” stated the president of ASI Valente, “represents a bridge between Europe and Africa, a corridor between Italy and Egypt in the space sector. In this way, ASI continues its commitment to consolidating privileged relationships with African countries entering the sector, within the framework of the initiatives promoted by the Italian Government in the context of the Mattei Plan for Africa”.

Egypt is one of the African countries that are consolidating their space policy: the setting up of EgSA in 2019 testifies the government’s interest in broadening interest in the sector, which for several years has concentrated mainly on science and remote sensing.

The Memorandum of Understanding highlights the intention of Italy and Egypt to intensify cooperation in space sciences and technologies and to promote collaboration between universities, research institutes and companies of the two countries.

Further areas of cooperation could include Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, space applications, capacity building projects and specialist training initiatives. Earth Observation, with reference to the monitoring of the variables and effects of climate change on society and the national economy, could constitute an important area of potential collaborations and joint projects capable of involving Italian companies that can boast specific expertise.

– Photo MIMIT Press Office –


Source: medNews

Malta, EP President censored by the Broadcasting Authority

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The European Parliament Office in Malta has called for the immediate suspension of a directive issued by the Malta Broadcasting Authority, which effectively censors reports about European Parliament President Roberta Metsola.

The directive issued by the Malta Broadcasting Authority mandates caution in reporting about the President of the European Parliament, focusing only on the news value of the story. This featured in the Broadcasting Authority’s new regulations governing radio and television programmes and advertisements aired throughout the European election period.

The European Parliament Office in Malta expressed concern over potential impairment of media coverage of the upcoming European Elections, and demanded the suspension of the regulation to allow it “to consult with the European Parliament Legal Service, in order to ensure that the rights of the institution in Malta are protected, as the Directive could impair the work of the media in covering the incoming European Elections”.

The European Parliament Office in Malta added that “it is of essence to ensure that all EU citizens are provided with information on the importance and the stakes of these elections to come and that the role of its President in liaising with EU citizens, in all Member States, is ensured”.

The directive has sparked outrage from Metsolàs party, the Nationalist Party which labelled the directive as anti-democratic and shameful. “No democratic country has ever issued such regulations against the democratically elected European Parliament or its President,” said the Narionalist Party.

The directivès order to censor Metsolàs coverage is perceived as discriminatory against her Maltese identity, the Party argued, adding that Metsolàs work should be recognised and reported, and her Maltese heritage should be celebrated, not suppressed.

The Broadcasting Authority’s decision, the PN said, is a flagrant breach of democratic values and infringes on freedom of the press and broadcasting.

The Nationalist Party called for the immediate withdrawal of the directive, insisting that in other European countries, the President of the European Parliament is openly discussed and reported by the media.

The Broadcasting Authority, comprising nominees from the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party, while the chairperson is handpicked by the prime minister, has been criticised for its lack of impartiality and fairness in broadcasting.

– Photo Agenzia Fotogramma –


Source: medNews

Malta, inflation and cost of living are higher than the EU average

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Official statistics released by Eurostat show that the Maltese Government has not found an end to addressing the issue of the cost of living, as inflation and the burden of prices remained much higher than the average of the countries in the EU. Malta saw a slight dip in its annual inflation rate, settling at 2.7%. Although down from February’s 3.0%, it remains notably higher than the 2.4% registered in the euro area. According to statistics, countries such as Latvia, Italy, Denmark, Finland, and Lithuania, all have a better standard of living situation than Malta. Even Cyprus and Ireland registered cheaper prices on various products.
The governments of Germany and the Czech Republic also managed to control the cost of living while France has a cheaper cost of living rate than Malta. In March, the biggest impact resulted from the Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages Index (+1.02 percentage points), mainly due to higher milk prices. The second and third largest impacts were noted in the index of restaurants and hotels (+0.69 percentage points) and the index of accommodation, water, electricity, gas, and other types of fuels (+0.36 percentage points), mainly due to higher prices in restaurant services and rents.
– photo credsit: Malta Tourism Office –

Source: medNews

From Malta regrets the UN vote that denials palestinès full membership

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Malta deeply regretted the final vote at the United Nations Security Council that denied “the State of Palestine be admitted to membership of the United Nations” in place of its current “non-member observer state” status, which it has held since 2012. The session of the Security Council meeting at the UN headquarters in New York City was chaired by Malta. The US vetoed Palestinès chance to join the UN as a full member, despite Malta and 11 more countries on the Security Council voting in favour of Palestinès admission. Britain and Switzerland abstained. Security Council chair and Maltàs Permanent Representative to the UN, Vanessa Frazier, said UN membership was a necessary step for the Palestinians to achieve equal footing with the rest of the international community. She said: “The unprecedented turmoil is pushing the Palestinian people to a precipice. We deeply regret that following today’s veto, this legitimate aspiration has not been realised, but we must not lose sight of its legitimate validity. The two-state solution remains the only realistic solution for stability and peace in the Middle East”.
After the vote, the US said its position is unchanged: that the UN is not the venue for recognition of a Palestinian state, which must be the result of a peace deal with Israel.
– Foto: Ipa Agency –

Source: medNews

Meloni “Italy working together with Tunisia to curb illegal migration

TUNIS (TUNISIA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “On the issue of migration management, I want once again to thank the Tunisian authorities and President Saied for the work that we try to carry out together against human traffickers. We know that Tunisia cannot become the country of arrival for migrants. Cooperation must be strengthened on this, we want to involve international organizations, work on repatriations but above all on regular flows”. This was declared by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, following a bilateral meeting with the President of Tunisia, Kais Saied.
“I believe that much more can be done by Italy on the front of legal migration, but it is essential that we work together to continue to fight the slavers of the third millennium, the mafia organizations that think they can exploit the legitimate aspirations of those who would like a better life to make easy money. It is a job that President Saied and I share and carry forward together, but it is a job that requires development, investments and all the work that Italy carries out having promoted itself at a European level”, concluded Meloni.

– Photo Italian Government –


Source: medNews

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