

The Wilaya (Province) of Boumerdès (North-East of Algiers) has great fish resources waiting for a program of improvement. The annual production of fish varies between 6000 and 8000 tonnes. Boumerdès also has three fishing ports located in the areas Zemmouri, Cap Djinet and Dellys. According to the local Department of Fisheries and Fish Resources (DPRH), the local fishing fleet includes 493 units of different types for 4436 registered fishermen. However, the seamen are having problems due to the saturation of the ports. In addition to numerous extension projects that are under construction, it is expected to create a zone of activity in Zemmouri (is approximately 50 Km to North-East of Algiers) that will be dedicated to the fishing and water-culture.


Source: medNews


Alitalia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the board of directors of Air Malta and the Government of Malta to complete a comprehensive due diligence with the possible intention of becoming a 49% shareholder in the Maltese airline. Once the due diligence is complete, the Boards of Alitalia and Air Malta will make a decision on whether to proceed with an undertaking.

“There are strong cultural and commercial bonds between Italy and Malta, and this MOU is a first and important step, but we will only make a decision once we have completed an exhaustive examination of a possible deal – Alitalia’s CEO Cramer Ball said -. We will need to establish unequivocally that a deal with Air Malta will not undermine the progress of our three year turnaround programme, or prejudice our financial position. Until then, it’s business as usual. We are on track to become a profitable entity by 2017 and we need to look and plan for the future, which is why we have decided to look closely to see whether Air Malta can fit into our strategic growth, particularly how our networks can complement each other in areas such as southern Italy. The future of the commercial aviation industry has to be one of consolidation, and for us to prosper we must examine opportunities where we believe we can offer a wider reach for our customers”.

Zammit Lewis, Malta Minister of Tourism said: “This is one step of the process and there is still a long way to go. We have now signed an MOU with Alitalia which means we will cease talks with other airlines and start detailed discussions”.


Source: medNews


The society Desert Technologies, Saudi partners of Enerray, subsidiary of Seci Energia (Maccaferri Industrial Group), has completed the construction and operation of two power plants with renewable sources.

The plants, built in the city of Aqaba, with 40,320 solar panels that can generate 250 watts of energy each with an annual production of 20 million kw annually, have a capacity of 10 MW.

The project is part of the 12 projects managed by the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) and supported by a twenty-year agreement for the purchase of electricity, with the National Electrical Power Company (NEPCO), which will ensure the purchase of electricity at a preferential rate of 12 Fils per Kwh, equivalent to 0.17 dollar per kWh.

In addition, the society Desert Technologies is building another photovoltaic system in the Jordanian city Ma’an located 200 km from the capital, the new photovoltaic system will have a capacity of 23 MW, with a total estimated investment of 50 million dollars, will provide clean electricity to 30,000 homes and will provide an important stimulus to the local economy of southern Jordan.

It will include the completion of the construction work at the end of April 2016.


Source: medNews


“The RAMOGE Agreement is an example of the now historic environmental cooperation between states. It is a reference and starting point: we must have the strength and political capacity to extend it to all the countries of the Mediterranean. Because the defense of the our sea, a fragile sea and extraordinary for biodiversity, must see us all united.” So Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti, in Monte Carlo for the fortieth anniversary of the signing RAMOGE, which provides for cooperation and synergy between Italy, France and the Principality of Monaco for the prevention and the fight marine pollution and the protection of ecosystems in areas between Provence, Alpes, Côte d’Azur, Principality of Monaco and Liguria. Prince Albert of Monaco attended the ceremony.

“We have to look at RAMOGE – Galletti added – for what it represents and how it opens for the future. What happened with the oil spill in Genoa – the minister said – it was another example of the risk which our undergo coasts and our sea; another example of the importance of a control system and intervention able to act with the highest rapid adoption of the best and most up to date technologies, with a fast and effective coordination between units of different countries. And, in this regard, we thank France for having arranged means ready which fortunately are not served”.

The minister also recalled “the great work of the Coast Guard, as a direct expression of the functional and operational Ministry Environment on the marine ecosystem, which participates exercise RAMOGE with vessels and aircraft”. Together the Coast Guard, which is responsible exclusively in the field National coordination and technical management of interventions to the fight against pollution, will participate tomorrow in the annual antipollution international exercise French media and Monaco, for a test of the degree of readiness bench in the event of emergency.


Source: medNews


The IDAL, the Investment Development Authority of Lebanon, offers again, after three years of suspension, the incentives for projects of Information Technology sector. These incentives provide exemptions for income tax and the taxation of dividends for a period of ten years.

The termination of the grant of incentives was due to an error in the list of eligible activities for the purposes of the benefit, attached to Ministerial Decree which provided them. In April 2016, the Council of Ministers, by the Decree of 3158, approved a new list of IT assets that can benefit from tax incentives gives from IDAL.

The activities for which incentives may be required are: the publication of software and computer programming, provision of infrastructure for the processing of data such as web hosting, streaming services and hosting applications. Also Internet service providers are targeted.

The IDAL grants tax incentives for various sectors: agro-industrial, manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, communications and media. In the last 15 years they have benefited from the incentives of IDAL. projects with a total value of over 1.7 billion dollars.


Source: medNews


The second edition of the Valletta Film Festival (VFF), organized by the Film Grain Foundation, will take place between the 3 and 11 June 2016. Over forty international films will have their Maltese premieres, in various open-air venues around Valletta.

VFF will include more films of various sections, more events and a new sidebar section entitled ‘Teens Only’, showcasing films for teenagers from the ages of 13-18,” Oliver Mallia, one of the directors of the Festival said.

The others section will be Without Borders (focusing on the cinema of Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt and Iran) and Islanders (celebrating the cinema from and about islands, taking us around the world via the many waters of the earth).

Seven feature films, seven documentaries and 26 short films will be competing for the Triton Awards in Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Actor and Actress, Best Documentary and Best Short Film. The awards ceremony will take place on Saturday 11th June at Fort St Elmo.

VFF will also include Masterclasses on ‘Directing Actors’ and ‘Writing the Short Film’, as well as the Conference of Small Nations, which are supported by the Malta Film Commission.


Source: medNews


In the framework of the Program for the energy efficiency of public buildings, the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro has provided 35.53 million euro for energy efficiency in buildings belonging to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour and social policies. For the first phase of the program, completed in the period January 2012 – December 2015 with the reconstruction of 20 schools and a student home, were destined 13.5 million euro. The second phase of the program at an estimated implementation period is January 2015 – December 2020 provides for the reconstruction of 24 schools, 2 social cooperatives and 4 administrative buildings for an amount that exceeds 22 million euro.


Source: medNews


The Slovenian Government approved the 2016-2017 national reform program, which will be sent now to Brussels. In the statement issued by the Executive is highlighted that are retained the crucial objectives of economic policy, that is the consolidation of public finances and fostering economic growth through a gradual reduction of the public debt. The Government aims to improve the business climate through the liberalization of professions and a new package of laws on economic matters; to increase public investment, especially in the field of transport (second Koper-Diva?a rail, second tunnel of the highway section of the Karavanke to the Austrian-Slovenian border and the preparation of plans for a part of the “third development axis” in the north- East of the country); and finally to ensure the sustainability of public finances (with a focus on health and pension reform).


Source: medNews


The Israeli government approved the National Programme for achieving the target for the issue of greenhouse effect gases and energy efficiency (National Program to Implement Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Targets for Energy Efficiency On April 4) that the objective of reducing emissions by 26% per capita below 2005 levels.

The program includes two credit lines of 800 million total NISH (about 188 million euros) and the number of governance committees institutions to formulate practical proposals for achieving the targets set.

The measures provided ranging from tax incentives to energy efficiency projects and renewable energy projects, the long-term quotas for the production of renewable energy and the promotion of innovative Israeli technologies in these fields, to reduce the use of coal, every action to facilitate the transition to the use of natural gas, the promotion of increased use of public transport and the construction of green buildings or self-sufficient from an energy point of view.

The Minister for the Environment, the national infrastructure, energy and water resources, Uri Gabbay, said that the program is a combination of measures that reduce damage to the environment and increase economic growth and the savings resulting from lower environmental rehabilitation, while promoting greater efficiency of the authority public with general positive economic benefits for NIS 30 billion, or about 7.5 billion euros.


Source: medNews


“Italy ‘hunts’ Albanian tourists”. This is the title of the article published April 14, 2016, in the local business magazine Monitor. Italy traces the identikit of the Albanian potential tourists interested in visiting the country, it is cited of the portal. The article reports the Report 2016 ENIT/broadcasted on RAI in Albania.

In Albania there are no official data on the destinations of outgoing tourism. The favorite destinations are Turkey, Spain, Italy and Greece. From visa liberalization (December 2010), Italy seems to be recovering share on Turkey, which has long had abolished visas for Albanians. From research conducted at some agencies that offer trips to Italy (and after visa liberalization), it is a growing interest in Italy and organized trips. Also a growing interest towards our country by Kosovars and Macedonians living in Albania. Soaring is the demand from young people and couples without children. Italy is a country of great attraction for the Albanian tourist.

To increase this tendency it might aim for deals in periods of seasonal adjustment. Attraction strategic policy could offer all inclusive packages for cultural visits (for example exhibitions of international importance). Create an “Italian Tourism System” that in addition to at least foresee the presence of an antenna ENIT in Albania involves all Italians institutions already present: Embassy, IIC, Chamber of Commerce, ICE. With foresight, it might choose Tirana as a starting point for tourism initiatives towards our country also religious in nature, highlights the Report 2016 ENIT/MAECI.


Source: medNews

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