
Sequi “Europe can no longer neglect Africa”

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Knowing and making known Africa, its opportunities in terms of development, but also its needs, such as health and training. This is the mission of Ecam – European Corporate Council on Africa and the Middle East. Its Secretary General, Ettore Sequi, was interviewed for Primo Piano presented by Claudio Brachino for the Italpress agency, about the developing projects in the various African countries and provide a complete picture of opportunities, the urgencies and challenges in the same continent.

A particular development carried out by Ecam, which starts from afar, will be involving the foundations of States in which situations are deep and critical from multiple perspectives but can also serve as valuable opportunities, that in Europe could be conceived as obvious or easy to access.

“Knowing Ecam means understanding what opportunities the African continent brings with it”, said Ambassador Sequi: “Ecam is a private non-profit organisation, which deals with relations between Europe, Italy and countries in the African and Gulf area. Our goal is to promote knowledge of areas that are part of East Africa and beyond, encouraging their development. All this is due to the intuition of a very successful businessman and philanthropist, Kamel Ghribi, who had this brilliant idea that he is carrying forward with commitment and success”.

He explained, “cooperation through actors such as Europe, North and Central Africa and the Gulf has a number of opportunities, from business development to health, agriculture and training. Ecam has a natural vocation to foster dialogue and knowledge, with its resources aimed at the humanitarian sector, which is essential for assisting populations often severely affected such as in Gaza”.

“From a health point of view, we have achieved important results. An important children’s heart surgery centre has been set up in Tunisia, where we have also supplied oxygen and ventilators. When there was the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria,” Sequi continued, “we sent emergency equipment, ambulances, medicines and health kits for the population”.

In fact, there are several projects in support of sectors such as health and training in African countries, all in full “interaction and cooperation” with small and medium-sized Italian companies, as well as hospitals and institutes. “In this sense,” continued Sequi, “we have developed a project that guarantees the training of young heart surgeons who in Milan learn to perform delicate operations for children with hearts created by a 3D technology. Under the direction of an Italian medical team, these young people specialise in dealing with pathologies that would be complicated to treat in the countries of origin. Again, in Còte d’Ivoire, Ecam is moving forward with a project to provide, through small and medium-sized Italian enterprises, machines and technologies for the commercialisation of cocoa”.

“Such opportunities”, highlighted the secretary general, “always go through training, and in this sense the example of the agreement with the Garibaldi institute in Rome is a good example, through which we provide scholarships to young Africans in agricultural and management of small businesses, helping to create a certain type of stability both in Italy and in Africa should these children return to their countries of origin.”

Ecam’s work, however, goes through geopolitical situations that are not easy to resolve, with effects of influence not only in the north of the continent, “but often originated from everything that happens in central Africa,” Sequi continued, while observing the constant competition brought by states like Russia and China. “These world powers are well present in Africa for the acquisition of fundamental raw materials,” said Sequi, while adding that from a military point of view the Russian presence is intense, both in the Sael and in the Mediterranean area, from Syria to Libya, to Tunisia and Sudan. He emphasized that Europe is also beginning to understand the risks of neglecting Africa. “What is happening in the Red Sea,” he concluded, “has a precise impact on small and medium-sized enterprises, which can reduce costs, insurance, in terms of fuel and timing, compared to large companies that are able to cushion any losses due to such conflicts”.

– Photo Italpress –


Source: medNews

Fincantieri consolidates its presence in Saudi Arabia

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Fincantieri has announced the launch of the new Fincantieri company Arabia for Naval Services, on the occasion of the conference held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which was attended by senior Italian and Saudi institutional leaders.
The event was an opportunity to discuss various key topics, including the promotion of shipbuilding as an industry enabling significant socio-economic development in Saudi Arabia through the training of local talent, the creation of high value-added jobs, the construction of a local supply chain and the transfer of advanced technologies to expand the local autonomous industrial base. Through Fincantieri Arabia for Naval Services, the Fincantieri Group aims to actively contribute to the realization of Vision 2030, enhancing its vertically integrated business model, with unique and integrated transversal experience in the cruise, defense and offshore.
Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO and General Director of Fincantieri, has declared: “With Fincantieri Arabia for Naval Services we strengthen our presence in Saudi Arabia with the aim of creating a strategic and long-term partnership for the development of the shipbuilding industry in the country through an approach of multi-business localization. It is a source of great pride for us to make our skills available to the Kingdom, the result of decades of tradition and all-Italian excellence in the naval sector, in order to contribute to the achievement of the ambitious goals outlined by Vision 2030.” He added: “This first step will also allow us to seize important opportunities in a strategic market such as the Saudi one, thus creating further opportunities for growth and expansion in the international defense sector”.
– Photo credit Fincantieri press office –

Source: medNews

Urso in Tripoli. Agreements on energy and critical raw materials

TRIPOLI (LIBYA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – During his official mission in Tripoli, Libya, the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, has signed a joint statement with the Minister of Industry and Minerals of the Government of National Unity of Libya, Ahmed Ali Abouhisa, aimed at promoting economic and industrial collaboration initiatives in the energy, critical raw materials and green technology sectors.
The Italy-Libya agreement aims to facilitate direct investment and joint initiatives between companies from the two countries, exploring forms of cooperation in the context of environmental and digital transition, through the exchange of information and knowledge in the field of research and innovation applied to the manufacturing industry and the training of new skills.
“Italy and Libya have numerous complementary factors in both economic and industrial sectors. For this reason, ever closer cooperation between countries represents an added value for both the European Union and the African continent, as provided for in the Mattei Plan,” Urso said. He added, “Our countries have historic cooperation in the energy sector that we intend to strengthen, especially in renewable energy and its transport through the interconnection cables between the two countries. The focus on renewable sources also becomes visible as Italy will soon become the first European manufacturer of new generation photovoltaic panels with the 3Sun plant in Catania.”

Urso explained that the synergies provided for in the agreement also concern the mining sector, with a specific focus on critical raw materials, “which represent the new frontier of industry and on which Italy and Libya want to engage in the development of a specific industrial context. Our country is ready to make its engineering and entrepreneurial know-how available to initiate synergies that can provide win-win collaboration agreements, aimed at extraction and processing in Libya, for the benefit of both nations and in full consistency with the Italian critical raw materials law that will be presented in a few weeks to the Cabinet of Ministers,” said Urso.

During the bilateral meeting between the two ministers, synergies in the steel sector were also addressed, with a focus on the investment of Italian companies in Libya, and the transfer of skills in digital technology, also through the AI Hub for Sustainable Development in cooperation with UNDP, as indicated in the ministerial statement of the G7 summit of the Ministers of Industry, Technology and Digital held on 14 and 15 March in Verona and Trento.

– Photo Mimit press office –


Source: medNews

2030 World Cup, investors moving fast to invest in Morocco

RABAT (MOROCCO) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The joint organisation of the 2030 World Cup by Morocco, Spain and Portugal is attracting international companies eager to invest in the Kingdom of Morocco. In order to prepare for this event, the country has decided to launch a series of infrastructural projects.

Large works are planned to strengthen and expand transport networks, land and rail, build hotels and sports infrastructure. In addition to Spain and some European countries, many other companies have expressed their interest, including China and the United States.

Some of the projects in question have already been launched, such as the project to modernise the stadia that will host the first African Cup (CAN 2025) and, subsequently, the 2030 World Cup.

This is the case of the great stadium in Tangier, the Moulay Abdellah sports complex in Rabat and the sports complex in Fez, as well as the future large Benslimane stadium, with a capacity of 115,000 spectators.

The Minister of Economy and Finance indicated that the joint organisation of the 2030 World Cup could contribute to GDP growth, which is expected to reach 3.7% per annum next year. According to the minister, the organisation of these two international events will have an impact on Morocco in terms of economic development and job creation.

The organisation of international competitions attracts foreign investment and generates economic benefits in terms of growth, employment and development, which will involve not only stadia but will facilitate the development of a whole range of infrastructural projects, starting with traveling stops, shopping centres, hotels, car parks, and railway stations.

Morocco is proving to be a fast-growing building site and this could be an excellent opportunity for international companies.

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Source: medNews

The MEDITeH Beyond “Women’s Vision” community kicks off

CATANIA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Community Women & Digital Health Project was presented in Catania at the MEDITeH Beyond Digital Health Connection Beyond Mediterranean Boundaries International Summit: ‘The vision of women to improve the effectiveness of digital health systems’.
According to data from the World Health Organisation, women account for 70% of health personnel. The objective of the Community and the working groups that will be set up is to contribute to the development, growth and innovation in the social and health field, through the development of a female thinking and approach with a multicultural vision and open to exchange and cooperation with all countries involved in the “MEDITeH Network” programme: Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East. The professional and personal perspective of women can contribute strongly in terms of innovation to the social and health field, offering a different view of relationships mediated by digital systems, a complementary sensitivity to crucial issues such as accessibility to services, patient care, the role of carers and the organisational significance of health promotion and, finally, the application and development of technologies and AI.
The will and common commitment that emerged from this first meeting and Round Table is to raise awareness and promote awareness on the importance of diversity in decision-making processes, as well as in research and development and implementation, in order to achieve successful goals for the entire health eco-system.
Cooperation between female and male thinking must be a standard practice in the decision-making process to outline the development of new projects for social and health services, and solutions based on the use of digital technologies.
The goal of MEDITEH BEYOND “WOMEN’S VISION” is to encourage the participation of women from the different countries involved in the MEDITeH 2 Beyond project (Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa), but not only, and to foster the exchange of experiences, culture, and background to better reflect the needs and challenges we will face between the next five years in identifying solutions in the digital health system.
“It has always been important to have opinions of men and women because the contribution of different experiences and sensitivities is fundamental, the Navajo Tribe already knew, in the council there were always the presence of two elderly women. Then it also became an ethical value in modern civilisation. Today, with the use of digital technologies it is also a necessity because digital systems must be designed and programmed to interact optimally even with gender differences”, declared Prof. Francesco Gabbrielli, Head of Research and Development on Clinical Activity in Telemedicine of the National Agency for Regional Health Services – AGENAS and Co-Chair of the ‘Women’s Vision’ Round Table.
“During the round table we started with some simple but fundamental observations reflecting on how digital technologies can influence health and related choices, and how women’s analysis and the point of observation of women can improve digital systems in human-machine interaction and experience but also how gender issues can be considered in the context of digital health to draw solutions increasingly consistent with the emerging needs and expectations of citizens, all inclusive,” said Carola Salvato, President of GWPR Italy, Spokeperson Health Work Table of #InclusioneDonna, Co-Chair of the Round Table with Prof. Francesco Gabbrielli.
The themes of the Community on the agenda: enhancement of gender differences in the design of digital systems, methods of leadership, valorisation of academic and non-academic research, vocational training, different representations, networking and international cooperation projects, participation in events (spokes person).
The Community project will soon have an international connotation, and will be available to the countries present at the first edition of the Summit.
The Community wants to take advantage of the multidisciplinarity, diversity and complementarity of its members. This approach will allow a transversal and synergetic experience on the subject, which will be deepened from multiple angles, perspectives and opportunities so as to also facilitate the creation of some working groups on topics of particular relevance.
International experts from different fields such as medicine, research, computer science, sociology, communication, stakeholders, the public and private context and more will be involved to provide a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities related to and the potential associated with the intersection of women, digital health, telemedicine and the community.
This first meeting co-moderated by Professor Francesco Gabbrielli and Carola Salvato saw the participation of an important panel of professionals and the patronage of #InclusioneDonna, a network to which 75 associations and almost 50 ambassadors adhere, representatives of wide sectors of professions and female entrepreneurship in our country, as well as the presence of AISIS, ASSD, Women Protagonists in Healthcare, Federated Innovation @MIND, GWPR Italy, and Leads, Women Leaders in Health.
On the panel during the event held in Catania: Debora Angeletti, Member of the AISIS Board – Laura Antonioli, Medical Affairs Head at UCB Italy – Elena Bottinelli, Head of digital transition and transformation, San Donato Group, Milan – Monica Calamai, President of “Donne Protagonistae in Sanità” Association, Ferrara – Marina D’Artibale, Vice President Capgemini Invent, Co Leads founder – Juli Hysenbelli, Global Lead Connected Care, Amazon Web Services – Stefania Mancini, Advocacy, Ambassador #InclusioneDonna, Inspiring Fifty Laura Patrucco, President of Scientific Association for Digital Health (ASSD) – Carola Salvato, President GWPR Italy, Spokeperson Healthcare Working Group #InclusioneDonna – Paola Testori, Ambassador Future of Health, Federated Innovation @MIND – Lucia Tuccitto, President ADGI Catania.
-photo Havas –

Source: medNews

1624-2024, Palermo celebrates 400th Festival of Santa Rosalia

LONDON (UNITED KINGDOM) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The press conference for presenting the 400th anniversary of the Feast of Santa Rosalia 1624-2024 took place at the headquarters of the Italian Cultural Institute in London, attended by the Mayor of the Municipality of Palermo, Roberto Lagalla.
This year marks the four-hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the miraculous remains of Santa Rosalia, the patron saint of Palermo city. The “Santuzza”, symbol of rebirth and hope, will be celebrated with a rich calendar of events and cultural initiatives which, starting from the month of May, will continue until the first months of 2025, animating the provincial territory of the Sicilian capital.
«This year Palermo is going to celebrate a journey that began in 1624 and today is making 400 years of history and traditions. It is going to be a busy year of celebrations dedicated to Santa Rosalia which, thanks to the active participation of the entire territory and institutions, will allow the tourist revival of the city with a renewed metropolitan internationally oriented identity. I wish to thank the director Francesco Bongarrà for allowing this prestigious institutional setting for the international presentation of the four- hundredth anniversary of the “Festino” and the National Tourism Agency. Palermo will express itself in all its beauty, through spiritual and cultural itineraries, showing the world its priceless historical and artistic heritage that winds through the Arab-Norman Route, a Unesco heritage, the period buildings – the favorite scenery of international film productions, and the spiritual paths that wind through the city streets and cross the entire provincial territory. Palermo will offer the tourists an unprecedented journey, unique for everybody, in an overall cheering atmosphere that will welcome visitors from all over the world since the upcoming months». So says the Mayor of the Municipality of Palermo, Roberto Lagalla.

The Municipality, together with the Metropolitan City of Palermo, presents a busy calendar of entertainment including shows, exhibitions, concerts, food and wine tours, conferences and spiritual paths through which the city of Palermo and its territory will express themselves to the visitors during the Rosalian Year. A multivoiced narrative that will pay homage to the priceless cultural, historical and landscaped heritage of Palermo, embraced by the sea and protected by Monte Pellegrino, where the Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia stands, a renowned pilgrimage destination for the faithful.
On May 26th, the new sculptural representation of the Saint will be shown, which will then be blessed and then placed back in the Cathedral, a moment that marks the start of the anniversary program of the Feast of Santa Rosaliàs 400th Anniversary.
The appointment with the tradition arrives finally on July 14th with “Il Festino di Santa Rosalia”: four stops in the heart of Palermo among images, music, evocative artistic performances dedicated to the “Santuzza” who parades aboard an allegorical chariot that is going to tell about” Hope” through new and highly attractive shows this year. Thousands of faithful and visitors come from all over the world every year to take part in the procession which begins its journey from Palazzo Reale, then stops in front of the Cathedral, crosses the Quattro Canti and reaches Porta Felice, where the final show takes place ending with the traditional fireworks. A solemn procession actually takes place the following day, on July 15th, along the Cassaro, just on the day of the discovery of the Santuzzàs mortal remains (on July 15 th 1624).The “Acchianata delle Rosalie” then takes place in the night between 3rd and 4th September along the “Scala Vecchia ” ( The Old Staircase) that leads from the feet of Monte Pellegrino to the Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia.
Also thousands of devotees gather to share a moment of prayer and celebration on this date.
All the initiatives to be put together in the program will be included on the official website:

MARCO BALICH, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR OF “IL FESTINO DI SANTA ROSALIA” – Biography Creative Director and Executive Producer of worldwide institutional events, with a record of 16 Olympic Ceremonies and 13 regional Games credits and several large-scale shows produced worldwide. Marcòs Olympic experience, which was honoured with an “Emmy Award” in 2006 and a “Compasso d’Oro” in 2017, began with the Salt Lake City 2002 flag handover, followed by the Turin 2006 Olympic ceremonies. Among others, he was involved in Sochi 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games Closing Ceremonies, the Rio 2016 Olympic Ceremonies and the Fifa World Cup 2022 Ceremony in Qatar. These shows were broadcast to an average audience of 2.6 billion people. He covered the role of Artistic Director at the 2015 Milan Expo, where he created the iconic “Tree of Life”. In 2018, he created the revolutionary Superlive format, “Giudizio Universale, the Sistine Chapel Immersive Show”, the best-selling show in Italy that year, in collaboration with the Vatican Museums. In 2013, together with long-time partners Gianmaria Serra and Simone Merico, he founded Balich Worldwide Shows, today Balich Wonder Studio, sharing the ambition to introduce a new era in the live entertainment industry where true emotions are the driver of the creative narrative. As Chief Creative Officer of Balich Wonder Studio he embodies the role of leading inspirer and mentor of a multicultural and diverse team of highly talented Creators. His vision has been crucial to attract, recruit and raise some of the best professionals in the industry, making Balich Wonder Studio a unique playground for creative visionaries from all over the world.

The history of Santa Rosalia begins in the Palermitan court of the Norman kings. It is in this refined medieval environment, deeply imbued with Middle Eastern suggestions, that we meet for the first time the daughter of Sinibaldo, lord of Quisquina and of Roses, and granddaughter of King Roger himself on her maternal side.
The young woman is one of the queen’s bridesmaids and a wedding worthy of her rank takes shape in her future. A vision on the eve of the wedding urges Rosalia to retire to a convent and shortly afterwards, in search of a mystical life characterized by prayers and penance, she decides to go and live in a very small grotto on Mount Quisquina, in the family fiefdom. Soon word spreads and the local inhabitants begin to go and visit Rosalia being at first curious, then, recognizing her religious fervour, being moved by the hope that the young woman can include them in her prayers and intercede for them before God. Many people begin to consider her a saint and the number of people asking for her intercession grows so much that prevents her from dedicating herself fully to the adoration of God. So Rosalia moves to Monte Pellegrino, the great mountain that closes the gulf of Palermo to the north. When she dies, Rosalia is beatified by the population, but four centuries will have to pass before the Church gives an official follow-up.
In 1624 the city of Palermo is bent over by a frightening plague. The people continually turn to their patron saints and here Rosalia intervenes, revealing to a woman the place where her mortal remains are hidden.
The relics are recovered and brought to the city to be examined by a commission. A few months pass, Rosalia reveals herself again, this time to a soapmaker. He urges him to go to the Cardinal Giannettino Doria to invite him to stop “disputes and doubts” about the bones and to have them carried in procession. This way, upon the passage of the relics, the plague would cease. That first, miraculous procession has been followed by many others. Rosalia, also canonized by the Church for her intervention in favour of Palermo people, has entered the hearts of her fellow citizens.


Source: medNews

Helicopter accident, Iran President Raisi died

TEHERAN (IRAN) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Iranian state television has officially confirmed the death of Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, and his Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian. The two died along with seven other people who were with them aboard the helicopter that crashed in a very rough area near the border with Azerbaijan, in the province of eastern Azerbaijan, northwest of Iran, due to bad weather conditions and thick fog.
After 12 hours of research Mohsen Mansouri, Raisìs aide, announced his death in a tweet on his account on the X platform. The head of the Iranian Red Crescent, Pir Hossein Kolivand, had previously indicated on state television that rescue teams had found the site of the plane crash, but had pointed out that ‘the situation is not good’. He also added that after the wreckage of the plane was found with 9 officials on board, including the country’s president, there were no signs that its passengers were alive.
An Iranian official had also previously said that expectations of Raisìs survival were poor. He also added that there was little hope of finding Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdullahian alive, after the helicopter fell into a mountainous area and in freezing weather.
The Iranian news agency “Mehr” also confirmed that Raisi and all his comrades died in a helicopter crash.
Some analysts have hypothesised that the helicopter collided with one of the mountains in the area, in the midst of thick fog and with difficulty of view, especially after the first images of the plane showed it almost completely on fire. This came after the Turkish Akinji drone participating in the research detected two sources of heat, one of which is believed to have come from the wreckage of the helicopter.
The helicopter with Raisi (63 years old) on board, together with former head of the country’s judiciary, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Governor of Eastern Azerbaijan, Malik Rahmati, the imam of Tabriz, Muhammad Ali Al-Hashem, and other comrades, crashed in the middle of the forests of Arsparan, near the village of Ozi, in the middle of the thick fog.
Weather conditions also prevented rescue helicopters from landing at the crash site. Raisi was in Azerbaijan early yesterday morning, with the president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, to open the third dam that the two countries built on the Aras River.
The visit took place despite cold relations between the two countries, including an armed attack on the Azeri embassy in Tehran in 2023, and the existing diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Israel, which Tehran considers its main enemy in the region.

– photo Ipa Agency –

Source: medNews

Tunisia, migrants missing, smugglers arrested

TUNISI (TUNISIA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Tunisian National Guard reported that about 23 migrants were missing after setting off in a boat from Tunisia towards Italy. The state-run news agency TAP said a vessel departed from the town of Korba in the northeastern Nabeul governorate. The national guard said it had deployed floating units and had informed the navy to help in the search for the missing people. Tunisia’s National Guard said that it had been notified of “unauthorised sailing operations” from several areas along the Tunisian coast. Five suspects in organising the crossing have been arrested, it added. The National Guard said families of the missing individuals had lost contact with them and notified the authorities. The statement did not identify the nationality of the missing people. Meanwhile, the Tunisian authorities recovered the bodies of four migrants off the country’s coast, the national guard said, amid an increase in migrant boats heading from Tunisia toward Italy in recent weeks.
The coast guard separately rescued 52 migrants while the national guard arrested nine smugglers, and boats were seized. Tunisia is facing a migration crisis and has replaced Libya as a main departure point for people fleeing poverty and conflict in Africa and the Middle East in the hope of a better life in Europe. (ITALPRESS).

Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

Malta, highest increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the Eu

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Malta once again recorded the largest increase in greenhouse gas emissions. According to Eurostat, in fact, Malta recorded an increase in emissions of 7.74% in the last three months of the year. In the last quarter of 2023, EU emissions were forecast to be around 897 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent, resulting in a decline of 0.4% compared to the same quarter of 2022, estimated at 935 million tonnes of CO2 . Emissions are estimated to have fallen in 22 EU countries, with the largest reductions occurring in Estonia, Bulgaria and Finland. Emission increases have been estimated for several countries, including Slovenia, Cyprus, Slovakia and Greece.
The European Union’s 2030 plan aims to reduce emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels. This includes prioritizing green, renewable energy production and promoting zero-carbon buildings across the continent. Current projections indicate that Malta will miss its carbon emissions targets by a significant 62%. According to the Office for National Statistics, only 10.3% of the total energy generated in Malta in 2022 came from renewable sources, while greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion in power stations increased by 3.1% compared to 2021. The EU has set binding climate and energy targets for 2030, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%, increasing energy efficiency by at least 32%, 5% and ensuring that renewable energy represents at least 32% of EU energy use, as well as achieving at least 15% of electricity interconnection levels between neighboring member states.
– Photo credit: Tourism Office of Malta –

Source: medNews

Digital healthcare, MEDITeH BEYOND network launched

CATANIA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The MEDITeH BEYOND International Summit ended today in Catania. A series of workshops and debates were organized during two days of meetings dedicated to science and diplomacy, promoted by Diplomatia in collaboration with the Commission for Health Policy (HCP) and the Scientific Directorate of Francesco Gabbrielli. The aim of these initiatives is to create a project based on cooperation for the future of the digital health ecosystem and telemedicine and to sanction the start of a collaborative network dedicated to research and development in these sectors, in the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East regions. The Summit, therefore, serves as a continuous and lasting project that wants to highlight Italy’s commitment to finding areas of transnational cooperation.
“A collaborative network, the MEDITeH Network, has already been launched, which unites two worlds and creates a transnational opportunity that goes far beyond geographical boundaries and conventions with a view to real collaboration in terms of digital innovation. On the second day of the Summit, ten working groups have put their synergy on present challenges and future prospects. MEDITeH Beyond was not only a convention of technicians and scientists but meant the meeting between the world of digital Healthcare and the diplomatic one, attracting the interest of 20 countries from the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East of which 14 actively participated with their diplomatic representatives”, said Francesco Gabbrielli, Head of Research and Development on the clinical activity in telemedicine of Agenas.
“Italy is, by tradition, the north of the Mediterranean countries and the south of Europe, or a factor of coexistence, moreover it is seen as an advanced nation in the medical field, throughout Europe. This gives us two responsibilities: helping others provide valuable medicine to patients who often don’t have the opportunity. And, at the same time, promoting, at network level in the Mediterranean area, the development of medicine to promote, even where in some cases it is not easy, a better doctor-patient relationship”. This was said by Alberico L. Catapano, Director of the Department of Pharmacology and Biomolecular Sciences at the State University of Milan, who was one of the national speakers invited to bring their contribution to the congress and member of the scientific committee.
“Through the digital emergence, the world of healthcare has irreversibly evolved. The Summit is of particular importance at international level as the issue of health is of primary interest to all governments. The word ‘Beyond’ embodies the concept of overcoming barriers and boundaries on a cross-theme on a global level,” declared Giovanni Castellaneta, President of Diplomatia.
“The MEDITeH conference has not only an important and qualified scientific value. It paves the way for a growing digital and medical connection between Mediterranean countries, Africa and the Middle East that will have important social and institutional strength,” said Mario Boffo, Head of Diplomatic Relations at Diplomatia.
Health is a global priority, and innovation is the tool to respond to emerging needs in an efficient, personalised and integrated way. In fact, the health, the well-being and the life of citizens around the world require an increasingly interconnected approach. Addressing health challenges, in a changing and evolving world, invites cooperation between countries to identify together processes and new tools to
partner with each other.
The first day included an important in-depth session on the evolution of the biomedical sciences and a workshop to share the present and near future scenario on digital technologies at the service of the medical-scientific sector, with frontal reports of distinguished scientists and national and international professionals invited to the Summit.
The second day of the Summit was dedicated to group work on digital health attended by accredited delegates at the Summit. The discussion addressed several macro-themes, highlighting the possibilities of cooperation and development of telemedicine services in the current reality and highlighting the prospects of future healthcare application research.
The groups worked on five aspects: accessibility to treatment and prevention; management of major emergencies (such as, for example, pandemics, earthquakes and natural disasters); protection of chronic patients; care and rehabilitation in digital healthcare; clinical care and research in oncology.
All Delegates and Coordinators of the Working Groups have contributed to the elaboration of a position paper that will subsequently be finalised and validated by the Scientific Committee to be released publicly.
During the event, two more round tables were held, moderated by Francesco Gabbrielli, Lead of R&D on clinical activity in telemedicine, National Agency for Regional Healthcare – AGENAS, Rome, Carola Salvato, Member of the Board of Directors Diplomatia; Spokeperson for the healthcare working group #InclusioneDonna?.
The first workshop entitled ‘Startup Innovation’, took part Giuseppe Andreoni, Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Design; Luca Buscioni, CEO & Founder PharmaPrime; Carola Cantaluppi, Public Affairs Manager InnovUp; Federico Chinni, Managing Director UCB Italy; Stefano Crisci, Professor of IA Law La Sapienza University Rome; CBA Partner; Roberta Gilardi, Delegate/Ambassador ASSD, CEO G-Gravity Milan; Marzia Minozzi, Head of Regulation and Legislation ASSTEL; Danilo Mirabile, Harmonic Innovation Group; Manuele Monti, CEO & Founder TechBricks; Marco Venturelli, Ambassador Life Sciences Federated Innovation @MIND
During the second round table, entitled ‘Contribution of women’s vision to the development of digital health’, participated Laura Antonioli, Medical Affairs Head at UCB; Elena Bottinelli, Head of digital transition and transformation, San Donato Group, Milan; Monica Calamai, President of “Donne Protagonistae in Sanità” Association, Ferrara; Juli Hysenbelli, Connected Care Lead Global Healthcare, Non-Profit organisations – WWPS; Laura Patrucco, President of Scientific Association for Digital Health (ASSD), Rome; Lucia Tuccitto, President ADGI Catania.

– photo Havas –

Source: medNews

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