

Solid cooperation particularly in the fields of economy, energy, culture and education are expected to be a priority for the new Ambassador of Italy to Malta.

During a ceremony held at the Presidential Palace in Valletta, Mario Sammartino appointed to this post by the Italian Government presented his credentials to the President of Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

In recent years, Malta has welcomed a large number of Italians who chose to work in Malta due to the economic crisis in Italy.

Mario Sammartino stated that he would strengthen the cultural and academic ties with Malta.

Born in Naples on 29th January 1956, Mario Sammartino holds a University Degree in Law obtained from the University of Milan on 29th April 1983.

Following the State Examination, he was named Volontario in the Italian Diplomatic Corps on the 1st February 1985. His first assignment was at the Development Aid Department, Office VI, and he was named Segretario di Legazione on 1st January 1986.

On 24th June 1987, he started serving at the Italian Embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka. On 2nd January 1991, he was named Consul in Dortmund, Germany, and on 17th January 1994, he was named Consul in Mar del Plata, Argentina.

On 2nd July 2000, Mario Sammartino was named Consigliere di Ambasciata, and from 10th November 2000, he served as First Counsellor at the Italian Embassy in Rabat, Morocco.

From 12th May 2004, he served as Charge d’Affaires with Letters of Accreditation at the Italian Embassy in Libreville, Gabon, and was confirmed as Ambassador from 25th February 2005.

From 28th August 2007, he served at the Directorate General for Sub-Saharan Africa, Head of Office I.

On 2nd January 2008, he was named Ministro Plenipotenziario, and from 3rd March 2008, he served as Head of Office II of the Directorate General for Sub-Saharan Africa.

From 15th September 2008, Ambassador Sammartino started serving in the Directorate General for Development Aid as Deputy Director General and Central Director for the programming and realization of development aid interventions.

From 1st August 2012, Mario Sammartino served as the Ambassador of Italy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ambassador Sammartino is married to Ms Federica Modena, and has one daughter.


Source: medNews


Donation of computer systems for the orphanage school “Al Mabarrat Alishraq” by the Italian contingent employed in the Land of Cedars is what happened this week in the district of Bint Jubail in the South of Lebanon.

In the presence of local civil and religious authorities, the General of Brigade Francesco Olla, Commander of the Joint Task Force – Lebanon, inaugurated the new computer room of the school, now equipped with 35 personal modern computers. The school is attended by about 870 students aged three to thirteen, of whom 200 are permanently hosted as orphaned or adopted at a distance.

Finalized to consolidate relations between the Italian peacekeepers and the people of South Lebanon, the donation was promoted by CIMIC staff (Civil and Military Cooperation) that has always worked in favor of local authorities and of Non-governmental Associations, as dictated by Resolution No. 1701 – 2006 of the United Nations Security Council.

The current Italian operation “Leonte XXII” is based on Brigade “Grenadiers of Sardinia” and the units on the field are ITALBATT, unit of maneuver on base Regiment “Lancieri di Montebello” (8th); the Combat Support Battalion (CS Bn), a command-line Command of the Brigade “Granatieri di sardegna”; the Combat Service and Support Battalion, based on Logistic Regiment “Aosta”.


Source: medNews


The Slovenian Government Office for European Development and Cohesion Policy, the Slovenian Managing Authority of the European Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved financial support for two new projects in the context of energy renewal of public buildings .

The project “Renewal Energy of Three Buildings of Trbovlje General Hospital” foresees the renovation of the hospital, the administrative building and the pediatric building. The total amount of public funds allocated for the implementation of the project amounts to 2.4 million euro (the Cohesion Fund will contribute with 523.000 euro, 85% of the total).

For the second project “Energy Renewal of the Ajdovš?ina and Lendava Administrative Units”, € 814,000 have been allocated (the Cohesion Fund contribution amounts to € 213,000, 85% of the total). The purpose of the projects is to reduce primary energy consumption, operating costs, and specific purchase costs for energy products, simplify operations and maintenance of buildings, and help reduce environmental pollution.


Source: medNews


The international conference ‘Our Ocean’ has concluded in Malta with an outstanding commitment by the European Commission together with public and private entities to invest six billion euros to reduce marine pollution, increase protected marine areas and enhance safety at sea. Moreover promote an economy in favour of sustainable use of marine resources and fishing in concordance with increased efforts to address climate change compliant with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development goals according to the 2030 Agenda.

The creation of Marine Protected Areas spread over 2.5 million square kilometres equivalent to more than half of the EU territory size was announced during the conference.

A total of 400 commitments were established, 36 of them to be implemented by the EU. Governments of other countries have pledged to take up another 200 obligations, whilst private companies, voluntary organisations and research institutes have agreed on another hundred other responsibilities.

Airbus, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Marks and Spencer, Carrefour, Royal Caribbean Cruises, AXA and Sky were amongst the large companies that participated.

Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission stated during his closing keynote address that the European Commission is giving evidence of its determinate commitment towards sustainability, security and prosperity of the seas. “If they are at risk, so are we, for the oceans nourish our planet and our people, and they connect us to our partners around the world”.

Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries concluded the conference. As he addressed the audience he recalled how three years ago he was asked by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to draft a strategy outlining the role of the European Union with regards global ocean. “I think together we have delivered. Our policies on land, like our commitment to the circular economy and reduced plastic waste; and at sea, on marine pollution, on protected areas, and on harnessing the ocean’s clean energy, clearly demonstrate this. The European Union is earning respect and inspiring action across the planet”.

The European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica stated that the outcome of the two-day international conference ensures a legal framework, security and sustainability for all fisherman operating around the world.

He added that large food companies are more secure in their operation, while coastal areas are more protected as together all are acting to address the climate change challenge. Commissioner Mimica stated that whilst the road is long, significant progress has been made.

The implementations of the commitments made during the conference held in Malta will be examined in the next ‘Our Ocean’ conference that will take place in Indonesia in 2018.


Source: medNews


€ 560 million invested by the European Commission in favour of the initiative ‘Our Ocean’

Malta has convened the Fourth Conference with the theme ‘Our Ocean’ addressing the impact of pollution of the sea around the world, the protection of marine zones, sustainability of fishery and climate change. It is estimated that about eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the sea every year caused by human beings. International politicians, representatives of various industries and international environmental organizations, are attending the conference.

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security and Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini announced that the European Commission is allocating € 560 million translated into 36 concrete actions to the initiative Our Ocean. These actions range from global cooperation with European Union partners to minor initiatives in everyday life.

“I give you one small, but very concrete example: our embassies, our European Union delegations around the world have cleaned up 27 beaches in the course of this year. It is a small thing that makes a difference. We need a global alliance and we need everyone’s daily commitment. It is a collective responsibility that we all share”, declared Mogherini.

She emphasised that maritime security is a priority for the European Union. Investment in the most advanced technological systems such as the Galileo and Copernicus satellites have been executed to ensure global security, monitor pollution, track illegal fishing and find unidentified marine objects.

The European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella said that in the last three years a significant effort has been made by the European Union to draw up the United Nations target for sustainable development, where 14 of these goals are directly related to life at sea.

“When deciding on which business to invest in, what packaging to use, what car to drive or what fish to eat, we can all act for the ocean. And I can promise you that the European Union will continue to act for the ocean. That is why we are bringing more than 30 new commitments to this conference covering all the six areas of action of this conference,” said Commissioner Vella.

Commissioner Vella announced that the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean is adopting a proposal by the European Union to establish a marine protected area in the Adriatic.

The six areas of action are climate change, sustainable fishing, marine pollution, maritime security, sustainable economy and marine protected areas.

Prince Charles who addressed the opening of the conference strongly appealed to all consumers around the world to adopt the commitment and effort made by some of the major international companies to stop using plastic products that have a devastating effect on the marine life. He also urged business owners to come up with innovative solutions to manage waste and encouraged consumers to recycle products such as plastic bottles.

He mentioned how the fish are increasingly swallowing discarded material. Prince Charles referred to the research conducted by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation that states that unless immediate action is taken, by 2050, there would be more plastic in weight than fish. He added that this is a serious wake-up call for all countries, emphasising that dire need for an economy where used plastic is collected, recycled and reused, rather than disposed of.

Over 40 international ministers and international leaders from over one hundred countries are participating in the meeting. It is expected that at the closing of the conference more promises to protect the sea from further pollution and other effects are made.


Source: medNews


Next year, over one million tourists are expected to visit the capital city of Malta, Valletta, European Capital of Culture of 2018. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience or even participate in various cultural activities taking place during the whole year.

The Valletta 2018 Foundation launched the Cultural Programme of 2018: a collection of more than 140 projects and 400 activities that will occur during the year of the European Capital of Culture.

The program will initiate on the 20th of January with a series of spectacular activities in Valletta and its surroundings inviting audiences to participate in this feast spread across the island. The programme is inclusive and diverse, involving several communities and consisting of projects from different disciplines, including music, visual arts, dance and performing arts.

The Foundation has invested strongly in a varied programme that brings together the involvement of about 1,000 local and international artist, curators, artists, workshop leaders, writers, designers, and film producers. Whilst a number of international artists are collaborating with local people during the 2018 programme, Maltese artists are travelling to the twinning European Capital of Culture, Leeuwarden in the Netherlands, as well  other cities in Cyprus, Japan, Poland and Greece.

The 2018 programme is based on a direct investment of € 10 million in the cultural sector that includes several infrastructural projects such as MUZA, the Valletta Design Cluster, The Market City and Strait Street planned to go beyond 2018.

Over recent months, the team of Valletta 2018 grew from a group of five people to a combined team of 45 people working on full-time, part-time or freelance basis.

The Chairman of Valletta 2018 Jason Micallef said: “We have invested a lot of energy to shape a programme that provides equal opportunities for all; to ensure that culture is not reserved to the elite making inclusiveness not only a priority, but a necessity. The year 2018 promises to be period of  increased activity and cultural celebrations not seen in the country since the Independence celebrations “.

Joanne Attard Mallia, Programme Coordinator of Valletta 2018 said, “2018 will be a unique year. We are looking at a 12-month programme designed to explore and enlarge our understanding of culture and the arts by combining traditions, forms of art and concepts in innovative ways that are at times even unusual. She also stated, “This programme invites everyone to participate, experiment and contribute whether as an artist, a workshop participant, a volunteer or part of the audience”. 

Mario Philip Azzopardi, the Artistic Director of Special Events said, “after years of planning, preparation and hard work involving hundreds of artists, artisans, organizers, technicians, volunteers and a good dose of will and good determination, the time has come for our Valletta to take the title of European Capital of Culture. As from the 20th of January, the city will become a spectacular place for international exhibitions and street entertainment by local artists, musicians, singers, dancers, all contributing to create a feast for everyone. The time has come; let us start the feast… you are welcome to join!”.


Source: medNews


The upcoming matches of the Maltese National Football team against Lithuania and Slovakia will mark the last games for the Italian coach Pietro Ghedin. This was announced by Ghedin himself during a press conference held at one of the major hotels in St. Julian’s.

Ghedin said that he took this decision because he believes that the national team needs new motivation.  He thanked everyone who worked with him during this period that he described as ‘fantastic years’.  He further stated that the Maltese team can improve but appealed for unity.

The MFA Secretary General, Angelo Chetcuti, confirmed that the decision was unanimously reached with the Malta Football Association. Chetcuti showed his appreciation for the work carried out by Ghedin these years, but stressed that the focus now should be on the forthcoming matches so that the Italian coach ends his career with the Maltese team on a positive note.

Chetcuti described Ghedin as a professional person and stressed that he always received good advice from him for which he showed his absolute appreciation. The Secretary-General said that at the beginning of this experience following direction from the President Norman Darmanin Demajo he committed himself to gain the respect of the other nations for the Maltese team.

The MFA Technical Director Robert Gatt said that he regrets that Pietro Ghedin is ending his role as national coach since apart from being an excellent coach he is also a great friend.

The Italian coach said he gave his all during these fantastic years working for the Maltese National team and said despite everything he will remember fondly both the good and the bad experiences.  

Pietro Ghedin had already been at the helm of the Maltese National team in the mid-90s. Upon retirement, both experiences will accumulate 70 games for the Maltese team under Pietro Ghedin’s lead.

Meanwhile, Ghedin called the squad of 24 players for two games against Lithuania and Slovakia.

Ghedin began his coaching career with the Italian Football Federation in 1987, which included managing the under-18 team. He served as both goalkeeper ans assistant manager to the Italian senior side, and managed the Italy’s women’s team between 2005 and 2012.

Ghedin was manager of the Malta National Football team between 1992 and 1995, also managing the under-21 team at the same time, and was reappointed in May 2012.


Source: medNews


The Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti received a visit at Palazzo Baracchini by General Khalifa Belqasim Haftar during a series of meetings and contacts between the national authorities and the Libyan authorities.

The meeting focused on the issues of stabilization of Libya, the fight against international terrorism and the control of migratory flows.

Minister Pinotti reiterated “the Italian support to the inclusive policy of UN envoy Gassam Salamé to give further impetus to Libyan political dialogue and has hoped that all parties can effectively contribute to that strategy, excluding any military solution.” She reiterated that “any Italian cooperation initiative is in full respect for the sovereignty of Libya, and adhering to Libyan demands”.

General Haftar recalled “the suffering of the Libyan people after seven years of war and the need for a rapid solution to ensure Libya’s stability and unity”. The Cirenaica exponent thanked Minister Pinotti for “the Italian commitment to the North African country recognizing the collaborative spirit aimed at the pacification of Libya”.

In particular, General Haftar expressed his gratitude “for Italy’s availability in the health sector, taking care of the most delicate cases of the Libyan citizens wounded, in the hospitals of our country”.

Previously, the Libyan guest had met the Chief of Defense Staff General Claudio Graziano for a talk on military technical issues. The discussion between the two generals focused on the activities of contrast carried out by General Haftar’s forces against ISIS militias in Cirenaica, and on the will to collaborate in the fight against terrorism and the fight against illicit trafficking.

The visit, which took place “in a climate of friendliness”, explains the ministry of Defense, ended with the hope that “the goal of a peaceful country can be achieved soon”.



Source: medNews


Mario Sammartino is the new ambassador of Italy to Malta and to him the Farnesina sends a tweet of “good luck” on the day of official settlement in Valletta.

Born in 1956, in Naples, Mario Sammartino graduated in Law in Milan in 1983. He entered a diplomatic career in 1985 and began his professional career at the Directorate for Development Cooperation.

His career abroad began in 1986 at the Embassy in Columbus and continues in Dortmund, where in 1991 he assumed the functions of Consul. In 1994 he was transferred, as a Consul, to Mar del Plata.

Returning to the Farnesina in 1995, he was assigned to the Directorate General for Development Cooperation. He returned to serve abroad in 2000 in Rabat, while in 2004 he was sent as Ambassador to Libreville.

In 2007, he returned to Rome, where he took over from the General Directorate of Sub-Saharan Africa. He was then appointed Deputy Director-General for Development Cooperation with functions related to the programming and implementation of co-operation interventions. In 2012 he was appointed ambassador to Kuala Lumpur.


He is married to Federica Modena, with whom she has a daughter of twenty years, Ilaria.


Source: medNews


With 13 weekly flights from Rome Fiumicino, 14 from Catania, 7 from Milan Linate and 2 weekly flights from Palermo, scheduled on Monday and Friday, Air Malta prepares for the new winter season to increase its presence in Italy and Sicily, focusing on history, tourism, events and English courses. The flagship company of the Island of the Knights looks in particular at the Sicilian capital, which next year will be the Italian Capital of Culture, together with La Valletta, the European Capital of Culture.

The launch of the new Air Malta route took place at the “Falcone Borsellino” airport in Palermo. Among the participants: Fabio Giambrone, President of Gesap, the company managing the airport, Sales Director Natale Chieppa, Tiziana Della Serra, Managing Director of Rephouse, the Company that represents Air Malta in Italy, and Claude Zammit-Trevisan Marketing Director of the Malta Tourism Authority for Italy.

The Maltese carrier has been operating for 42 years now with 35 destinations to Europe, North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. “For the future,” said Della Serra, “Air Malta will point to increased services and technology: online group booking, mobile check-in, mobile booking, web check-in for groups and social content. All information can be found on“.

“We are proud to be part of this ambitious growth project”, said Trevisan. “Malta has been on the Italian market for many years, is already very strong on the Catania airport but wants to grow also in Palermo, which is the last of the 12 Italian airports connected with our island, which is 2 hours from Milan and one hour from Rome. The airport is located 20-25 minutes from Valletta and the main tourist destinations. In the last two years we have intervened on the beaches: today we have 12 blue flag beaches, suitable for young people and for families. We have a millennial civilization – with UNESCO site and cities like Valletta, which will be the European Capital next year. Culture links us to Palermo, which will be the cultural capital of Italy. We have already started to find a common path for the development of synergies for tourism. There will be many events of great quality throughout the year, starting from January, and many will be free: the baroque music festival, the carnival, traditional festivals, specific events for Valletta 2018. Malta – he concluded – is a safe and child-friendly destination”.

In its first 18 months in Punta Raisi, Air Malta benefited from the growth of the Palermo airport, which brought in more than one million passengers in three years and a growth of over 8 percent between 2015 and 2016, a positive trend confirmed by +5.4% in the first eight months of 2017. During that same period, Air Malta carried 16,170 passengers (+220% compared to 2016), although it should be considered that last year the Maltese company became operational at Punta Raisi from the second semester. 

“The Maltese are very interested in Sicily,” said Natale Chieppa, “and there is a very strong potential for Sicilians and Palermitans who want to visit Malta”.


Source: medNews

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