

Fisia Italimpianti, a company of the Salini Impregilo group and world leader in the design and construction of plants for desalination and for water treatment, has been awarded a contract of 57 million euro for the construction of a water purification plant Istanbul. This is the second project in the country in less than two years, after the one for the Atakoy plant in 2016. 

Fisia Italimpianti, in a joint venture with Turkish companies Alkatas and Alke, will build the biological plant in the Yenikapi district for the client ISKI, a municipal company that manages the water and purification system for the city of Istanbul. To be completed within 36 months, the plant will treat 450,000 cubic meters of water per day, equal to the production of waste water of two million inhabitants. The two plants, that of Atakoy and this of Yenikapi, are able to meet the need for treatment of wastewater produced by about 30% of the population of Istanbul. The total production capacity of the company’s drinking water at a global level, adds the note of Salino Impregilo, has grown to reach a production level of 4,200,000 cubic meters a day, of which more than 350,000 cubic meters / day with reverse osmosis technology.

Source: medNews


Adelfio Elio Cardinale, president of the “Italian Society of the History of Medicine” was received in Valletta by Marie-Luise Coleiro-Preca, president of the Republic of Malta, at the Palazzo “San Anton in Attard”, the institutional seat of the Presidency. Cardinale, on behalf of the company, invited Coleiro-Preca to visit Sicily, Palermo and Catania, to “be awarded with honours – we read in a note -, that intend to reward a personality that has distinguished itself in his high offices and in life for noble purposes. Among the honors we must mention the International Award ‘Virdimura’, registered in memory of the first female doctor of Italy, who was recognized in the fourteenth century as a pride and supremacy of Sicilian health”. The president accepted and will be in Sicily on 11 and 12 June 2018.


Source: medNews


From 12 to 18 of March 2018 the ‘Malta Neuroscience Network’ will organize the ‘Brain Awareness Week’ in Malta. The ‘Week of the Brain’ is a worldwide campaign that spreads new neuroscientific discoveries in a simple and accessible to all way through completely free events. Research in the field of neuroscience in Malta makes use of close collaboration with Italian researchers. In this context, an Italian scientist of international fame, Professor Giacomo Rizzolatti, will be the guest of honor of this event.

The brain week will end with the screening of the film “Split” and with the reading “Anatomy and brain function” by Christian Zammit.

The week is organized in collaboration with Ridt, the Association of University Professors and Italian Researchers in Malta (ADURM), Malta Chmaber of Scientist, Malta Cafè Scientific, Embassy of Italy and IIC, Cine Xjenza and the University of Malta.

Source: medNews


According to the data sent by the consulting firm Inforisk (, in 2017 8,088 officially failed Moroccan companies were registered, with an increase of 8.5% compared to the previous year. 90% of the failed companies were declared in liquidation, while the remaining 10% underwent a judicial procedure of controlled administration. The corporate failures recorded last year have caused serious socio-economic consequences, with around 40,000 new unemployed. The overwhelming majority of bankrupt companies (95%) are part of the small business category, while medium-sized companies are only 5%. The economic sectors most affected by the failures registered in 2017 are trade, public works and real estate.

In particular, construction, which had a real boom in the 2000s, saw the “speculative bubble” rapidly deflate, producing numerous bankruptcies. Other factors indicated by analysts as causes of bankruptcies include: late payments, strong fiscal pressure, under-capitalization, mismanagement of businesses, and unfavorable sectoral context. Inforisk also mentions, among the causes of the bankruptcies, the credits that the companies have towards the State, which pays with delay, causing negative consequences on the subcontractors. In the electricity sector, for example, many companies have been forced to close due to the financial problems of their public client “Office National de l’eau et de l’électricité (ONEE)”. To encourage the creation of new companies, the Government of Rabat has included in the Budget Law 2018 the tax exemption for the first 5 years, after which a tax grid is applied, the maximum rate of which is 31%, judged by some analysts too high, compared to the incentive system in force in other countries.


Source: medNews


It will be Tree, a company specializing in Innovation and Education services, to lead the European Enisie project – Enabling Network-based Innovation through Services and Institutional Engagement over the next two years. The project is part of the “Interreg VA Italy-Malta” cooperation program, and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund with 1.4 million euro and will involve the territories of Sicily and Malta for the creation and the development of innovative businesses linked to social business and to activate commercial operations between the two islands. Tree, leader of the European project, will coordinate the team of partners made up of Impact Hub Siracusa, the Sicilian hub of social innovation, Malta Enterprise – Life Sciences and the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector. The program, the note continues, has already entered the operational phase, after last week meeting in Malta, among the four partners that have appointed the steering committee that will lead the activities over the next 24 months. The program will start from the mapping of the reality of innovation, present in Sicily and Malta, to be strengthened thanks to targeted interventions, to create new jobs and an Italian-Maltese commercial bridge able to trigger a virtuous circle to the advantage of the two realities. And of the entire Mediterranean area.


Among the objectives of the project, there is also the creation of an online platform to promote business activities and connections at the Mediterranean and European level. “We are proud to be able to lead this partnership to achieve such ambitious objectives for Sicily and for the whole ecosystem – says Tree CEO, Antonio Perdichizzi – We are sure that, thanks to the peculiarities of all the partners that are part of the project, we will be able to make an important contribution to the development of a territory that has so much to offer, putting it in a position to seize the opportunities and become a best practice at European level “.


Source: medNews


The Tourism Councilor of Sicily, Sandro Pappalardo, participated in the two days of the Mediterranean Tourism Forum of Malta, which started yesterday and it is now in its fifth edition. This year’s theme is focused on the Mediterranean and its beauties. Over one thousand operators in the tourism world, coming from 39 different countries, are participating. “It is an honor to represent Sicily – Councilor Pappalardo explains – in such a high level forum. Our Region, because of its unique features, has been one of the protagonists of the Mediterranean Tourism Forum as it encloses the best part of the Mediterranean culture. I took the opportunity to measure myself and make contacts with major companies in the tourism sector, tour operators and entrepreneurs who remained bewitched by the enormous amount of beauties that our island has”.” Sicily – adds – represents the quintessence of the Mediterranean because it contains breath-taking landscapes, excellent food and wine products and a unique historical and cultural heritage. These are the grounds on which my commitment as councillor is based: the Musumeci government in fact, relies a lot on tourism which is one of the key elements of the economic development of the Region. We are processing different marketing strategies to adequately promote Sicily in all markets and, in this sense, I have had an important confrontation with the Minister of Tourism of Malta, Konrad Mizzi. This exchange follows the one already established last January, aimed at creating an important synergy between Sicily and Malta with the creation of tourist packages to enhance the beauty of the Euro-Mediterranean also thanks to the strengthening of the already existing air connections. I’m sure we have started a virtuous path and the effort of the Government Musumeci is aimed at making Sicily a land of hospitality and excellence, thanks also to institutional synergies put in place since the beginning of my mandate. Our island has all the necessary requirements to become a model for the Mediterranean and to play a leading role”, Pappalardo concludes.


Source: medNews


Turkey’s unemployment rate stood at 10.3 percent in the October-December period, down from 12.1 percent a year earlier and unchanged from a month earlier, data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). The non-agricultural unemployment rate stood at 12.2 percent on average during the October-December period, the data also showed, down from 12.3 percent a month earlier and 14.3 percent the previous year. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 10.1 percent in November 2017, which included the October-December period, down from 11.8 percent in the same period of 2016 and from 10.3 percent in the previous month. TUIK data showed that that the number of unemployed people aged 15 years and over – 3.27 million last November – decreased by 440,000 year-on-year. The youth unemployment rate, including people aged 15-24, was 19.3 percent, with a 3.3 percentage point decrease compared to the same period of 2016. The unemployment rate for people aged 15-64 was 10.5 percent, with 1.8 percentage point decrease, according to TUIK data.

The number of employed people rose by nearly 1.5 million in the same period, moving the employment rate to 47.3 percent with a 1.5 percentage point annual increase, the statement noted. The number of employed people rose to 28.52 million people in the period of November 2017 compared with the same period of the previous year. According to the distribution of employment by sector; 18.6 percent was employed in agriculture, 19.2 percent was in industry, 7.6 percent was in construction and 54.6 percent was in service, TUIK data showed. The institute also noted that the labor force participation rate was 52.8 percent, with a 0.7 percentage points increase over the same period. The labor force participation rate for men was 72.1 percent, with a 0.2 percentage point increase from the same period of the previous year. The rate for women was 33.8 percent, with 1.1 percentage point rise. 


Source: medNews


The scenario of the most active airlines in Israel has undergone a new change. According to data reported by the Israeli airport Authority and taken from the economic newspaper Globes, after El Al – national flag carrier – ranked first with 370,000 passengers equal to 28% of all passengers in transit (slightly down compared to January 2017) , the second place belongs to the Hungarian low-cost airline Wizz Air, which transported 74,500 passengers, 90% compared to January 2017, becoming the main foreign airline in Israel,.

In the third place, another low-cost airline, the British easyJet, with 73,000 passengers, 29% more than in January 2017.

Turkish Airlines saw the number of passengers increase by 37% in January 2018 with 69,000 passengers, thus earning the fourth place. Russian airline Aeroflot completes the Top 5.

Like Turkish Airlines, many of Aeroflot’s passengers are only in transit to various destinations around the world.

Passenger traffic at Ben Gurion airport continued to grow again in January, with 1.3 million passengers, 15% more than in January 2017, of which 1.16 million passengers through Terminal 3 and 133,000 passengers through the Terminal 1 (from where low-cost airlines fly).

The United States remained the main destination, followed by Turkey, with a 40% increase in the number of passengers. Once again, most of the Israeli passengers flying to Turkey were in transit on one of the three Turkish airlines operating flights from Israel: Turkish Airlines, Pegasus and AtlasGlobal.

The third main destination for passengers from Israel in January was Germany, followed by France and Italy. Other destinations with a large increase in passengers include Poland (due to the expanded activity of LOT Polish Airlines, among other things), Cyprus, Hungary and China (with direct flights to and from the main Asian airports increasingly frequent ), from which passenger traffic increased by 43%.

From the point of view of the airports of destination for passengers coming from Israel, first place is Istanbul Ataturk Airport, followed by Charles de Gaulle in Paris, Seheremetievo in Moscow and Kennedy in New York.


Source: medNews


International venture capital funds with offices in Israel may in future pay lower income taxes. According to a decree issued yesterday by the Israeli Tax Authority, these funds can now pay an income tax based on capital gains, instead of a fixed rate of 10% -15%.
The new legislation should encourage foreign investors to consider investments in Israel, according to Oz Halabi, member of the New York branch of the Israeli law firm Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz, interviewed on Wednesday by Calcalist. In recent days, the law firm has received requests from numerous funds to understand the implications of the new law, Halabi said.
According to current Israeli government tax guidelines, a 30% income tax on national funds applies today, but non-Israeli investors and venture capital funds are exempt from local taxes. However, when a foreign fund opens an Israeli office, local laws provide unclear indications that this fund should be taxed as a national fund on its capital gains generated in Israel, with a fixed rate of 10% -15%.
Non-Israeli funds with more than ten partners are more likely to obtain an exemption, even with local representation, since a large investor base means that income gains are more easily recognized as passive income. Funds with ten or less partners are usually taxed according to the fixed rate of the country of origin.

The lack of clarity around local taxation means that non-Israeli funds operating on Israeli territory that are taxed at the fixed rate can not file tax returns in their country of origin, if the agreement is not recognized within a bi-national tax agreement, Mr. Halabi explained.
According to the new legislation, these funds will now be taxed as national, but only their expenses related to the presence in the country will be subject to tax.
The new guidelines are ‘another positive step’ to alleviate the tax burden on foreign investors and will allow these investors to operate in Israel through local representation in a more fluid way, said Halabi.


Source: medNews


The Minister of Interior, Marco Minniti, welcomed  his Tunisian counterpart Lofti Brahem at the Viminale Palace.
The meeting was an occasion to further strengthen cooperation between Italy and Tunisia in several sectors, starting from the fight to terrorism, illegal immigration, border control measures to the cooperation between police of the two countries.
In particular, Minister Brahem confirmed the commitment on cooperation in the prevention of illegal migratory flows, in the returning procedures and in the exchange of information aimed at contrasting organized crime and terrorism.
On the Italian side, Minister Minniti reaffirmed the availability to reinforce assistance to Tunisian authorities with regards to new measures aimed at reinforcing bilateral cooperation.


Source: medNews

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