

In a Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) meeting in London, Commonwealth ICT ministers have unanimously endorsed the Strategic Plan of the CTO for 2016-2020 and the appointment of Dr Emmanuel Mallia, Minister for Competitiveness and Digital, Maritime and Services Economy as Chairman of the CTO for the next two years.

The CTO is an intergovernmental Commonwealth Organisation mandated in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The CTO 2016-2020 Strategic Plan focuses on ICT regulation, affordable and universal broadband, cyber security, ICT applications and the coordination of the Commonwealth in the Global ICT Agenda.

Addressing the ministers at the opening of the meeting, Baroness Scotland, the newly-elected Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, stressed on the importance of the Governments’ role in fostering ICT innovation and the sharing of experiences and lessons learnt within Commonwealth, with the aim to improve access and connectivity to ICT.

Minister Mallia underlined the importance of placing ICT at the centre of the development agenda and highlighted the way ICT is driving transformations across distinct industry verticals including health, education, financial services, transport, utilities, and more. Minister Mallia took the opportunity to share Malta’s achievements in ICT and connectivity and invited ministers to use the CTO as a collaborative platform to promote the exchange of experiences in ICT to the benefit of governments, civil society and the private sector.


Source: medNews


The Maltese Minister for Foreign Affairs, George W. Vella, said that “In a climate where foreign terrorist fighters, returnees, terrorist financing, arms smuggling and radicalisation are daily concerns, the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) provides much insight in countering terrorism through justice and rule of law”.

Minister Vella delivered a keynote speech during a celebration marking the second anniversary from the opening of the IIJ in Malta, or as it being increasingly referred to, since its launch, the ‘Malta Institute’.

Minister for Foreign Affairs recalled with satisfaction his involvement in bringing such a prestigious institute in Malta after the former US Ambassador to Malta Gina Abercombie-Wistanley had proposed the setting up of the IIJ.

Since its launch, over a thousand practitioners including lawmakers, police, prosecutors, judges, correction officials and other justice sector stakeholders, have received training at the IIJ on how to address terrorism and related criminal activities within a rule of law framework.

The event was also addressed by Robert Strang, IIJ Executive Secretary who gave an overview of the institute and Prof Alex Torpiano, University of Malta Dean for the Built Environment, who gave a presentation of the project and works being carried out in the Birgu Armoury, which will eventually house the said International Institute for Justice and Rule of Law.


Source: medNews


At a meeting held in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) on 8 June, the African Development Bank approved a loan of 88.85 million of Euros to Morocco for a project aimed at improving the distribution and quality of drinking water in the North African country. A statement from the Adb indicates that the Moroccan cities affected by this project will be Bouznika, Ben Slimane, Youssoufia and Safi, in addition to the basin of the river Bouregreg (SMBA artificial ventilation at the level of the dam and in the current ozonation treatment units). According to the BAD, this project will help meet 2030 requirements in drinking and industrial water of the most densely urbanized area of Morocco, with over 5 million inhabitants and about 60% of national manufacturing production. The private sector will benefit from this project, thanks to the realization of public works and through the increased volume of drinking water, which will allow industrial and tour operators to expand their economic activities. This new loan is the thirteenth operation financed by Adb in Morocco in the field of hydraulic engineering and brings the total amount disbursed to about 1.1 billion euro, making the Bank the first partner of the north African kingdom in the water sector.


Source: medNews


Representing the Italian industry in Albania by supporting sustainable and correct an internationalization of enterprises. With this purpose was born in Tirana today the association of Italian industrialists in Albania, with which you complete the project by The General Confederation of Industry to constitute a widespread representation in all the Balkan countries. Formed from an initial group of 23 companies, large and small from all over Italy, comes to life from the experience of the representative office in the country of The General Confederation of Industry Bari-BAT, which expresses, until the first General Assembly, the presidency with Donato D ‘Agostino.

The General Confederation of Industry of Albania adheres as international representation of the The General Confederation of Industry system, which fully recognizes the code of ethics, and as an ordinary member of The General Confederation of Industry of Balkans, the federation of Italian business associations in South Eastern Europe, an organizational force that has over a thousand Italian companies that operates in support exports and to legitimize international Italian excellence.

Among the objectives of The General Confederation of Industry of Albania, which coordinates its activities in the country with the Italian Embassy in Tirana, to guide and inform the opportunities and problems of the Albanian market; facilitate the creation of partnerships, collaborations and synergies; strengthen dialogue between the Italian companies in Albania and local entrepreneurs; spreading into account the economic knowledge in Italy and consolidating the enterprise culture in the country.

Among others, Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania, Edoardo Garrone, former managing Squinzi under the presidency of the association internationalization development of General Confederation of Industry, Domenico De Bartolomeo, president of General Confederation of Industry Bari – BAT, and Alberto Cutillo, Italian Ambassador in Tirana, were present at the signing of incorporation in Tirana.

Despite the economic downturn, the interchange between Italy and Albania has in recent years been steadily increasing, reaching in 2015 to 2.1 billion euros. First trade partner, only Italy accounts for 59.5% of Albanian exports and is the main supplier, with an incidence of 30.6% on the import total. Italy is also the leading investor country in terms of number of Italian companies or Italian-Albanian active on the territory of 5,939 foreign companies, 2,753 are Italian, 46% of the total.


Source: medNews


 A loan of 500 million Euros to Tunisia, carried out on favorable terms, in order to help the country reduce its external debt and consolidate their democratic mechanisms, was approved by Parliament on Wednesday. To have access to credit, Tunisia will have to sign a memorandum of understanding with the European Commission, pledging to implement structural reforms and to pursue sound public finances.

In addition, Tunisia will have to guarantee the respect of democratic mechanisms, the rule of law and human rights, under EU supervision. Once made these conditions, Tunisia can avail the loan for a period of two and a half years.

The EU loan to Tunisia will join the 2.9 billion euro of aid allocated by the International Monetary Fund. The resolution was approved with 561 votes in favor, 76 against and 42 abstentions.

The economy of Tunisia is in serious difficulties since the beginning of the Arab Spring revolution in 2011. In 2015, the country was hit by terrorist attacks that disrupted the flow of tourists and exacerbated his already weak fiscal balance and position in credits. The growth forecast for 2016 is 0.5%, while in 2015 declined by 3%. The unemployment rate stands at 20% for women and 28.6% for young graduates; the overall average is 15%.

The EU has granted to Tunisia € 300 million of financial aid in 2014. In August 2015, the Tunisian government has asked the EU to contribute 500 million euro to a second assistance program and supplementary loans of the IMF international (FMI).

Following a vote by the European Parliament in 2016, the EU has also granted to Tunisia a temporary additional quota for imports of olive oil duty-free.


Source: medNews


The project on the creation of a “Free Economic Zone” in Tripoli has been included again in the agenda of the Council of Ministers, after being frozen for nearly six years, following the change of government.

Located near the port of Tripoli, the special economic zone, with an area of 550,000 square meters, is expected to create new job opportunities and attract the private sector investment.

Furthermore, due to its proximity with Syria and the major cities on the coast, will help rebuild the country after the conflict.


Source: medNews


The goal of the Algerian government to reduce imports of medicines to promote domestic production in recent years has given thwarted.

Imports reached 2.28 billion dollars in 2013, the $ 2.6 billion in 2014 (+ 14%), before recording a decrease in 2015 to reach 1.96 billion dollars (-22%). However, according to the latest data of the CNIS (Centre National de l’Informatique et des Statistiques), during the first 4 months of 2016, imports again increased by 29% over the same period in 2015.

In value between January and April 2016; imports recorded a total of 606.96 million dollars compared to $ 470.48 million in the same period in 2015. In quantity, the increase was 4.6% with 7770 tons.

As regards medicinal products for human use, during the 4 first months of this year, imports increased by 28.6% recording a total of 441.71 million dollars, while the quantities are through to 6 947,5 tons against 6 708.2 tons (+ 3.5%) for the same period in 2015.


Source: medNews


Spain’s consumption of fish and seafood has remained stable in 2015, reaching the 8.2 billion euro. These are some of the data presented by AECOC (multisectoral Association of producers and distributors) in the XVII Congress on food sea.

Among the various product families, that of fish and fresh seafood is the preferred by local consumers, followed by canned, frozen, chilled and smoked. The volume of fresh produce marketed in 2015 was as high as 668,000 tonnes, including cod and hake accounted for 15.2%; sardines and anchovies 10.6%; molluscs 9%; Salmon 8.5%. As for canned fish and seafood, the expenditure of Spanish households reached 1,430 million euro, equivalent to 163,000 tons; purchase of frozen products were destined 1,189 million euro (153,000 tons).

The segment of private label products (MDD) grew by 0.4% in 2015, the trend in the first quarter of this year was, however, decreasing (-0.1%). In this category, canned fish account for the largest share, followed by fish and frozen seafood, smoked and chilled fish.


Source: medNews


The bankruptcy trustee of the Bijela shipyard has recently announced that the contract was signed for the sale of the large landing dock, part of the port, with a buyer from Lithuania. The purchase price reached after the second call for tenders will amount to 11 million euros. The bankruptcy administration began negotiations with the Lithuanian company after the first place, the Estonian company Baltik Art, has withdrawn from the purchase in early May. The bankruptcy procedure has been requested by the Agency of Montenegrin revenues in July of 2015 due to an outstanding debt of the company of approximately 6 million euro.


Source: medNews


The OECD expects economic growth of 1.5% in 2016, -0.4% compared to the Outlook of last November. This is determined primarily by the decrease in export growth, greater uncertainty in the international arena and momentary decline in public investment at the beginning of the European financial perspective. For next year, the OECD has shown economic growth of 2.3%, -0.4% compared to what was announced in the previous report.


Source: medNews

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