Mattei Plan, Mantovano “Development perspective with an equal approach”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The Mattei Plan is first and foremost a process, an equal approach between Italy and the African regions with which it is possible to have a dialogue and it is a development perspective not imposed by Rome and Brussels, but defining the objectives together, nation by nation. It is not something abstract yet to be achieved.” The Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Alfredo Mantovano, said this at Med-Or Day 2024. “A collaboration of this type allows us to address common problems, not least migration. The objective is not only the common regulation of migration flows but it is already being carried out concretely”, he underlined. “The current government has launched a three-year migration flow, with the possibility of going beyond the quota for those who attend qualified training in their country of origin. This requires rectifying the plan which in recent days has already started being analyzed: the fraud in regular entries must be stopped, first and foremost in the interest of the migrants themselves who often risk their lives”, he clarified. Regarding the migrant centers in Albania, “the one on the Adriatic sea is already ready and will serve for the initial screening, while the center located inland is facing problems at construction stage, plus it is very hot now and, in the interests of the workers, work must stop during the central hours of the day and this is leading to further slowdowns. We want to respect the completion of the work in a workmanlike manner. The initiative will be fully operational in a few weeks”, he explained.
For Roberto Cingolani, CEO and General Director of Leonardo, “We look at Africa as the youngest continent in the world, with many raw materials and which needs to be helped, and Italy presents itself with a constructive attitude”. Leonardo’s role is to make available “a series of technologies to modernize the agriculture sector. There is an enormous need for digitalization and literacy. This above all means transferring knowledge and analytical skills”. The difficulties “are those linked to the large projects, but the will is to make them go forward”. Italy in the Mediterranean “is in the ideal position to play the role that belongs to us”.
Fincantieri is interested “in that part of the Mattei Plan which deals with creating a corridor and a pool of skills. We are looking at and promoting together within the structure of initiatives that provide for the creation, for example, skills opportunities in welding within North Africa, to create professionalism on site and manage it in an orderly manner on our construction sites and therefore create a future-proof model to be able to continue to do it in the heavy industry in our country”, added Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO and general manager of Fincantieri. “The skills are there, the market is there, but the people are no longer there! The training initiative is one of the axes of the plan to create skills on-site, which we are very interested in”.
-photo xi2 Italpress –

Source: medNews